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Hyper Grace False Spirit


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  • DLUKE623

    18 Januari 2016

    Pengajaran Hyper Grace tidak Alkitabiah.

    I believe the hyper-grace message could be the end-time deception that will cause millions of people to fall away from God. ~Sid Roth

    Saya memperhatikan Pengajaran Hyper Grace yang dibawa oleh Joseph Prince itu berkembang, berakar dari theologi yang diajarkan oleh False Movement yaitu Word of Faith yang dipimpin oleh Kenneth Hagin. Perlu diketahui buah pelayanan Kenneth Hagin itu sesat dan bukan dipimpin Roh Kudus. Joseph Prince sanggat menghormati Kenneth Hagin dan menganggap Bapak rohaninya itu benar2 orang beriman padahal nyatanya mmbawa byk jiwa hidup dlm kedagingan dan mrk saling menyesatkan.

    Joseph Prince said : "The Holy Spirit doesn't convict the believer of sin, but of his righteousness in Christ.

    Benarkah demikian ? Alkitab mana yang dibaca ? Berikut ayat yang menyanggahnya :

    Yohanes 16:7-11 “ Namun benar yang kukatakan ini kepadamu: Adalah lebih berguna bagi kamu, jika Aku pergi. Sebab jikalau Aku tidak pergi, Penghibur itu tidak akan datang kepadamu, tetapi jikalau Aku pergi, Aku akan mengutus Dia kepadamu. Dan kalau Ia datang, Ia akan menginsafkan dunia akan dosa, kebenaran dan penghakiman; akan dosa, karena mereka tetap tidak percaya kepada-Ku; akan Kebenaran, karena Aku pergi kepada Bapa dan kamu tidak melihat Aku lagi; akan penghakiman, karena penguasa dunia ini telah dihukum.

    Roma 8:13-14 “ Sebab, jika kamu hidup menurut daging, kamu akan mati; tetapi jika oleh Roh kamu mematikan perbuatan-perbuatan tubuhmu, kamu akan hidup. Semua orang, yang dipimpin oleh Roh Allah adalah anak Allah.

    2 Tim 4:2 “ Beritakanlah firman, siap sedialah baik atau tidak baik waktunya, nyatakanlah apa yang salah, tegorlah dan nasihatilah dengan segala kesabaran dan pengajaran.

    Kalau kita dengan Hati yang murni melihat Firman Tuhan ini, tentulah kita memahami bahwa peran Roh Kudus selalu ada dalam menuntun orang dalam kebenaran.

    Next, Joseph Prince said :

    “I distinctly heard the voice of the Lord on the inside. It wasn’t a witness of the Spirit. It was a voice, and I heard God say this clearly to me: ‘Son, you are not preaching grace.’ I said, ‘What do you mean, Lord?…’Every time you preach grace, you preach it with a mixture of law. You attempt to balance grace with the law like many other preachers, and the moment you balance grace, you neutralize it. You cannot put new wine into old wineskins. You cannot put grace and law together. He went on to say, ‘Son, a lot of preachers are not preaching grace the way Apostle Paul preached grace.”

    Hm.. Well, Joseph Prince must be confused n false understanding. There is no Biblical precedent to suggest teaching the law undermines the teaching of grace. They are complementary doctrines. In fact, the doctrinal teaching of the law is foundational to receiving the doctrine of grace! While grace is not something we earn through good works, it is something we must qualify for through repentance.

    Grace doesn’t do away with the Biblical virtue of hard work. Diligence is still a necessary part of the Christian experience and your results WILL fail when you stop being diligent! . “Achieving” is not an evil concept especially when God has provided incentive and guidelines to obey.

    Grace is incompatible with works of self-righteousness, but grace is also God’s power working THROUGH you and me because we are cooperating with Him!

    2 Tim 3:16 “ Segala tulisan yang diilhamkan Allah memang bermanfaat untuk mengajar, untuk menyatakan kesalahan, untuk memperbaiki kelakuan dan untuk mendidik orang dalam kebenaran.

    1 Petrus 1:14-16 “ Hiduplah sebagai anak-anak yang taat dan janganlah turuti hawa nafsu yang menguasai kamu pada waktu kebodohanmu, tetapi hendaklah kamu menjadi kudus di dalam seluruh hidupmu sama seperti Dia yang kudus, yang telah memanggil kamu, sebab ada tertulis : Kuduslah kamu, sebab Aku kudus.

    Joseph Prince said : “Under the new covenant, we don’t have to keep on asking the Lord…for forgiveness because He has already forgiven us.”

    BIG WRONG ! The modern fallacy that judicial forgiveness covers ALL sins, past, present, and future; that God does not impute sins of believers to them; and that God never condemns a saved man for any sins committed, but charges them to the Lord Jesus Christ, is one of the most unscriptural and demon-inspired theories in any church…He will forgive all sins that are confessed to Him, but this does not give the saved man a blank check to continue in sin and live as he pleases without any fear of being held accountable for his sins after he has one time been saved. Salvation does not include freedom to live in sins of all kinds. It does not guarantee immunity from hell if one goes back into sins and dies in them.”

    Efesus 5:6-10 “ Janganlah kamu disesatkan orang dengan kata-kata yang hampa, karena hal-hal demikian mendatangkan murka Allah atas orang-orang durhaka. Memang dahulu kamu adalah kegelapan, tetapi sekarang kamu adalah terang di dalam Tuhan. Sebab itu hiduplah sebagai anak-anak terang, karena terang hanya berbuahkan kebaikan dan keadilan dan kebenaran, dan ujilah apa yang berkenan kepada Tuhan.

    Why did John write to believers in I John 1:9 and encourage them to confess their sins if they stopped walking in the light (I John 1:7)? Why does the book of Revelation warn that your name can be blotted out of the Book of Life if one-time repentance is a blank check for everlasting forgiveness? Why did Peter say that if a Christian backslides into sin after being delivered then his outcome becomes WORSE?

    Grace empowers us to stop sinning and walk in the light.

    1 Yoh 1:7 "Tetapi Jika kita hidup di dalam terang sama seperti Dia ada di dalam terang, maka kita beroleh persekutuan seorang dengan yang lain, dan darah Yesus, Anak-Nya itu, menyucikan kita dari pada segala dosa.

    Sebenarnya masih sangat banyak pengajaran2nya yang menyimpang, anda bisa menyelidikinya sendiri di dalam Terang Firman.

    Hv blessed day !

  • 18 Januari 2016
    Cathar bagaimana?

  • DCH341

    18 Januari 2016

    John 16:7-11. Convict the non believers.

    Romans 8:13-14. We are against sin as well.

    1 John 1 is not written to the church, it is written for the Gnostics in the church

    Romans 5:18

  • MEIKE181

    18 Januari 2016

    Mengapa theologi kasih karunia ini dinyatakan sebagai pengajaran yg salah? Bukankah kita memang hidup hanya oleh karena kasih karunia Tuhan.


    18 Januari 2016

    IPONEST944 tulis:
    Cathar bagaimana?

    Dear IPONEST944,

    Silakan buat topik baru untuk menanyakan hal tersebut. Terima kasih <3

  • NUGIEE368

    18 Januari 2016

    oh sama yah "Hyper Grace" dgn "KAsih Karunia" ..?

    MEIKE181 tulis:

    Mengapa theologi kasih karunia ini dinyatakan sebagai pengajaran yg salah? Bukankah kita memang hidup hanya oleh karena kasih karunia Tuhan.

  • PHEBE353

    18 Januari 2016

    Kayanya beda

    Setahu saya sih emang kasih karunia tapi berlebih

    Katanya sekali selamat tetap selamat

    Gitu deh..


    NUGIEE368 tulis:

    oh sama yah "Hyper Grace" dgn "KAsih Karunia" ..?

  • DOMI011

    18 Januari 2016

    Kenneth Hagin bukannya dipakai jg oleh orang2 GBI setau saya?

    Anda saja sudah salah bilang ini sesat, itu sesat..Bukannya Tuhan yg menjadi hakim kita?

    Baca lagi gih alkitab setiap kitabnya latar belakangnya gimana..

    Hidup sesat...wkwkwkwkw

  • DOMI011

    18 Januari 2016

    hehehe, krn merreka berdiri dan bermegah diatas perbuatan dan bkn di bawah kasih karunia tapi taurat

    MEIKE181 tulis:

    Mengapa theologi kasih karunia ini dinyatakan sebagai pengajaran yg salah? Bukankah kita memang hidup hanya oleh karena kasih karunia Tuhan.

  • UTET058

    19 Januari 2016

    Sebenarnya teh sayah tertarik baca trit ini, rp angkat tangan krn gagal paham, kerana tra ngerti bahasa inggris jo, -_-

  • JOSHUA603

    19 Januari 2016

    really agree with dluke :up:

    What Is Hyper-Grace?

    “Overemphasizing or adding to what the Bible teaches inevitably does more harm than good.” Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin

    "I believe the Hyper-Grace message could be the End-Time deception that will cause millions of people to fall away from God." Rev. Sid Roth

    J. Lee Grady, former editor of Charisma Magazine, once said, “I still don’t know what’s more outrageous: That programmers allow such insanity on Christian television, or that gullible Christians fall for it year after year.”

    Mr. Grady made this comment as it refers to the popular error which I have appropriately labeled "Hyper-Prosperity."

    But it could also easily apply to the error which I have labeled "Hyper-Grace."

    Why Hyper-Grace?

    Why add the prefix “Hyper” to the root word “Grace” when describing this popular, erroneous doctrine?

    Because “Hyper” means “to go beyond, to be fanatical or even obsessive” about something. It also means “to go beyond that which is normal.”

    The popular teaching of Hyper-Grace has gone beyond the written Word of God, and in some instances, has become fanatical. Many have even become obsessed with this irresponsible, highly popular teaching.

    I mean no offense or insult when I use the term “Hyper-Grace.” It is a grammatically correct and perfectly descriptive term to respectfully use when referring to this error.

    Someone once accused me of “Not using grace to teach on grace,” referring to my Biblical, straight-forward teaching as “disgraceful.”

    If truth be known they ungraciously accused me because they were offended by my challenging this false doctrine so confidently and so boldly by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Sadly, too many Believers misinterpret boldness as arrogance.

    This individual completely misread my heart and my purpose in challenging this error according to the Lord's clear instruction.

    It never has been, is not now, nor will it ever by my intention to deliberately hurt or offend anyone to get my point across.

    That would be to yield to the spirit of anti-Christ.

    My one and only motivation is to help people, precious people, and open their eyes to the truth of God’s Word so they may see they are being dangerously misled.

    One Hyper-Grace devotee wrote to me perfectly expressing what multiple hundreds of thousands are beginning to realize. "I agree one hundred percent [with your teaching]. I lived under this false [Hyper-Grace] teaching for many years and all it did was bring pain and trouble. The grace is in the repentance."

    As I was preparing this manuscript, I clearly heard the Spirit of the Lord speak from within my spirit, “Embrace, love and encourage all people. But do not embrace, love and encourage all doctrine."

    We do embrace, love and encourage both those who are propagating this false doctrine as well those who are being misled by it. It is the doctrine itself we reject, not the people.

    Hyper-Grace and the Conspiracy of Silence

    "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." Dietrich Bonhoeffer (February 4, 1906 - April 9, 1945) - German Lutheran Pastor who openly withstood Adolf Hitler

    Many Ministers are simply afraid to confront the false doctrine of Hyper-Grace so they remain silent. They do not realize that when it comes to false doctrine spreading like a disease, silence is synonymous with surrender. They wrongly continue to preach their favorite doctrines hoping that in time the false doctrine will simply go away. All the while the false doctrine becomes more deeply rooted and tangled as Satan is left to have his way with God's family.

    Jesus, the Apostle Paul and none of the other New Testament authors ever tolerated the presence of false doctrine.

    Pastors and Ministry leaders must come to terms with the fact that silence concerning popular, yet destructive, false doctrine is neither a virtue nor a leadership quality. It shows the Lord we are unwilling to fully lay down our lives and Ministries for His sheep and are, therefore, unqualified for greater Ministerial responsibility.

    False teachers and false doctrines always get a free ride when Ministers of the Gospel fear confronting them.

    The "Touch not Mine anointed" error has given far too many false Teachers and false doctrines a free pass.

    Greatness is not determined by what we are willing to ignore.

    Greatness is determined by what we are willing to Biblically confront even as Jesus, Paul and all the other New Testament authors did.

    Jesus confronted the Pharisees. (Matthew 3:7; 12:34; 23:23-34) Paul openly confronted Peter's sin of hypocrisy. (Galatians 2:11-14) Paul confronted Hymenaeus and Alexander's sin. (1 Timothy 1:18-20) Paul confronted Hymenaeus and Philetus' doctrinal error. (2 Timothy 2:15-18) Paul openly confronted Demas' backsliding. (2 Timothy 4:10) Paul confronted Alexander the coppersmith's withstanding God's Word and asked the Lord to judge him. (2 Timothy 4:14-15) John confronted Diotrephes' pride and rejection of truth. (3 John 9-11)

    No one is above constructive criticism, no matter how big their Ministry may be.

    Someone once said, "Only cowards remain silent when the Truth of God's Word is under attack."

    The false teaching of Hyper-Grace is a direct attack on the Master Jesus and His written Word.

    Even an old dog has enough sense to take a defensive stance when his master is under aggressive attack.

    It is an often highly criticized and thankless task to publicly withstand extremely popular heresy.

    Even still, it remains the selfless, Bible-commanded, Godly duty of every true man and woman of faith.

    19 Januari 2016 diubah oleh JOSHUA603

  • ONIEH408

    19 Januari 2016

    I am agree w/ bro Dluke 100 %.... we hav to follow the Holy Spirit n that is not cheap grace... we hav to follow him n bring our cross everyday....thanks bro

  • JOSHUA603

    21 Januari 2016

    Chapter One: A Commendation and Truth Mixed with Error

    Who Is Joseph Prince?

    Xenonamendar Jegahusiee Singh grew up as the son of a Sihk Priest and a Chinese mother. Singh grew up believing as all Sihks believe, that all religions are right and no religions are wrong. To the Sihk, "All paths lead directly to God."

    Those in the Sihk religion take upon themselves a new last name during the time of the "Baptism into the Khalsa." The Baptism into the Khalsa ceremony is undertaken as part of the individual's personal spiritual evolution. At the time of the Khalsa the initiate is proclaiming that they are ready to give their lives to living according to the high expectations of Guru Gobind Singh.

    Also at the time of the Khalsa, in order to express their commitment, men adopt the last name "Singh" and women adopt the last name "Kaur."

    As a young man Singh was involved in the occult at which time he said "supernatural experiences" led him to investigate Christianity. For over six years after becoming a Christian, Xenonamendar Jegahusiee Singh kept his Sihk name until just before being appointed the Senior Pastor of Singapore's New Creation Church in 1990.

    Today Xenonamendar Jegahusiee Singh is better known to the world of Christianity as Joseph Prince.

    It is only natural to question why he maintained his Sihk name, which represented his commitment to live by the requirement of the Sihk religion, for six years after supposedly converting to Christianity.

    Another curiosity that must not go unmentioned is the fact that Sihk adherents strictly denounce the spiritual practice of fasting.

    Interestingly, in his book, "Destined to Reign," Joseph Prince also strictly denounces the New Testament doctrine of fasting. (pages 275-276)

    Presently Joseph Prince continues as the Senior Pastor of the 24,000 member New Creation Church in Singapore. His immensely popular, yet equally as deceitful, message of "Effortless Grace" is broadcast in 150 nations and he is a much sought after speaker, including by the Trinity Broadcast Network which is his greatest promoter. He has spoken at many Hillsong conferences where homosexuality and lesbianism are now accepted and the message of holiness and heterosexuality are compromised.

    The 2008 publication of his phenomenally popular book, "Destined to Reign," put Joseph Prince on the Christian map worldwide. Six months after its release, it made the list as one of the Christian Retailers' top 100 books of all time.

    "Destined to Reign's" pop theology and extremely compromised message of God's Grace split the Body of Christ right down the middle, opening the door for a tsunami wave of sin to flood the Bible-illiterate portion of the Body of Christ worldwide.

    It seems that the majority of people, including Bible-illiterate Christian people, love fantasy.

    Following are some quotes from Joseph Prince's book "Destined to Reign."

    "There are nothing but blessings for Believers." (page 53)

    "God will never judge America for her sin." (page 49)

    "If you receive a word from someone which brings your sins to remembrance or instills an expectation of punishment for sins in your life, don't fear it. Just throw it out the window." (page 45)

    "Repentance and confession of sin are never necessary." (page 53)

    This last quotation from him will be the primary focus of this book, "Joseph Prince: The Dangerous Error of Hyper-Grace."

    Joseph Prince's clearly unbiblical insistence that because grace abounds "all sin is automatically forgiven" has made him the leading voice in the world of milk-toast Preachers who are raising up a generation of carnal, baby Believers in Jesus Christ who desire only the milk of God's Word.

    "And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto you were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able for ye are yet carnal." (1 Corinthians 3:1-3)

  • JOSHUA603

    21 Januari 2016

    The Combining of Truth with Error

    Out of fairness I must also say that Joseph Prince, the primary teacher of the Hyper-Grace error, has indeed taught some good things about the Word of God from a Pentecostal perspective.

    He has very obviously been a student of my mentor, Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin. He has well-communicated Dr. Hagin’s teachings on the New Birth, the New Creation, Righteousness, the Authority of the Believer, Redemption, the Power of Jesus’ Name and many other faith-based topics popularized by Dr. Hagin over the past 65 years.

    We continue this writing by commending the Hyper-Grace Teacher for the way he has clearly communicated these specific truths, serving to change the lives of many.

    But I must also say that his extremely dangerous error is now being mixed with these wonderful truths, not only by him, but by many Ministers and Bible students who are now blindly following in his footsteps. They teach that Grace all but does away with such things as obedience, holiness, Church-involvement, faithfulness to take up one's cross daily and especially Christ's Foundational Doctrine of Repentance.

    Respectfully, and based upon the way many Hyper-Grace adherents have personally assailed me for the truths contained in this book, they apparently believe that Grace also does away with the need to walk in love!

    In over thirty years of Christian Ministry I have never had to deal with such disrespectful, contentious behavior in Believers as I have with many of the ardent subscribers to Hyper-Grace.

    However, as stated, this book will ultimately focus on only one specific error being taught by Joseph Prince and his disciples.

    This error is presently resulting in his Ministry doing much more harm than good.

    This error is rooted in his taking Ephesians 1:7 completely out of context.

    “In Whom we have redemption through His Blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace.”

    I have personally heard Joseph Prince speak forth, on multiple occasions, based on the above verse, “Christians no longer need to confess their sins. Because of grace and Jesus’ finished work on the Cross, all sins are now forgiven as soon as they are committed. There is no need to ever ask for forgiveness.”

    But this is not what the Bible teaches. As a matter of fact, the Bible teaches quite contrary to this.

    The Bible says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

    When asked on air by a Trinity Broadcast Network executive, “What do you have to say about First John 1:9? Many are asking this question in light of what you are saying about Christians not needing to confess their sins to God because they are automatically forgiven. First John 1:9 says that we do have to confess our sins in order for them to be forgiven. What would you say to those people?”

    The Hyper-Grace Teacher boldly answered, “First John 1:9 was not written to the Church. John’s Epistles were written to the world, not the Body of Christ. First John 1:9 is written to encourage people in the world to confess their sins to God so they can be saved, or Born Again. Once they are Born Again, they never need to ask forgiveness for any sins again. All sins are already forgiven, even future sins.”

    The Hyper-Grace Teacher's comment that “John’s Epistles were written to the world, not the Body” is a tremendously blatant error indeed! Every book of the New Testament, without exception, is written to the Body of Christ, including John’s Epistles. All one must do is read the opening salutation to each book to discover this.

    Many New Testament books have continual reminders throughout that what is being written is being written to the Church - particularly John's Epistles.

    Interesting that the one book Joseph Prince brazenly chose to say "was not written to the Church" has possibly more reminders throughout that it is written to the Church than any other New Testament book.

    The number of American believers who follow this extreme grace Teacher and his profound error is a glaring testimony to the sad fact that most American Christians suffer from severe Bible illiteracy.

    To say that sins never need to be confessed and that God will never judge someone who does not confess is extremely dangerous. This is the same deception that occurred in the Garden of Eden which affected the entire human race.

    God told Adam and Eve He would judge them if they ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He told them they would die spiritually and become separated from Him if they did so. (Genesis 2:16-17)

    The serpent came along challenging God's Word, telling Adam and Eve, "Ye shall not surely die." (Genesis 3:4)

    Joseph Prince also challenges God's Word saying, "Christians must never confess their sins for that is an insult to God."

    The serpent told Eve that God would not judge her if she sinned against Him.

    Joseph Prince says God will not judge anyone today who sins against His Word.

    God meant business with Adam and Eve and He means business with each of His children today. When we sin and refuse to repent for any reason, God will allow us to be judged even as He allowed Adam and Eve to be judged.

    "For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world." (1 Corinthians 11:31-32)

    God will allow the Hyper-Grace Teacher to be judged if he does not repent for instructing others contrary to Scripture.

    "He who covers his sins shall not prosper. But he who confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy." (Proverbs 28:13)

    With the exception of the Lord Jesus Christ, King Solomon was the wisest human being to ever walk on the Earth. In his writings which we know as "The Proverbs of Solomon," he said only fools ridicule the need to make amends for sins committed.

    "Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favor." (Proverbs 14:9)

    Joseph Prince dares not only to refute the wisdom of Solomon, but he refutes the wisdom of Almighty God Himself.

  • RITA010

    23 Januari 2016

    hypergrace itu artinya kasih karunia berlebihan yg artinya skali slamat tetap selamat hmm  jd yg ditekankan cuman kasih karunianya sj didalam alkitab ada keselamatan dan keselamatan itu bisa hilang klo kita gk taat dan setia dan masi hidup dalam daging,,artinya masi bisa berbuat dosa,,, yg dilarang ajaran ini membuat org2 jd sombong dan tidak takut dosaaa  waduhhh ckckckck

  • DOMI011

    24 Januari 2016

    ckckckckckckckck juga ahhhhhhhhhhh

    Singkatnya dari tulisan enggress diatas silahkan di baca buku Destined to Reign nya Joseph Prince :)

  • HANA914

    24 Januari 2016

    Yang jadi persoalan dalam hyper grace adalah banyak orang mrnyia nyiakan kasih karunia. Mereka tetap berbuat dosa dan mengambil ayat-ayat hanya untuk kepentingan pribadinya sendiri. Keselamatan tidak bisa lah diperoleh hanya dari ucapan "saya percaya" ... HARUS ADA AKSI DARI KATA PERCAYA ... bukan omdo .. Grace is good ...but hyper grace??

    Ini satu hal yang krusial ...hati-hati karena pemahaman yang salah tentang keselamatan dan kasih karunia akan membawa banyak jiwa pada kesesatan

    Di bawah ini khotbah pdt Erastus. ..judul nggak relevan ... Tapi ada sedikit konsep hypergrace di depan ... N i definitely agreed with him

  • DOMI011

    24 Januari 2016

    hehehe, silahkan baca  buku Destined to Reign nya Joseph Prince atau tunggu saya aja deh nanti setelah naik mimbar...

    Tapi kalau saya suatu saat nanti kotbah ,datangnya 1 jam sebelum dimulai yah, takutnya ga kebagian tempat duduk....xexexexexe

  • HANA914

    24 Januari 2016

    DOMI011 tulis:

    hehehe, silahkan baca  buku Destined to Reign nya Joseph Prince atau tunggu saya aja deh nanti setelah naik mimbar...

    Tapi kalau saya suatu saat nanti kotbah ,datangnya 1 jam sebelum dimulai yah, takutnya ga kebagian tempat duduk....xexexexexe

    OK bro ... Wish u success n all the best ...

    Saat ini lebih pingin denger khotbahnya TS ..Dluke623... Hehehe ... Saya tahu hidupnya.. dia adalah pribadi luar biasa yang melayani Tuhan dengan kerendahan hati.

  • DOMI011

    24 Januari 2016

    Cieee , bro TS,  dibilang pribadi luar biasa yang melayani Tuhan dengan kerendahan hati tuh

    Maksudnya diriku sombong nih? :) , Itu hanya perkataan iman lohhhhhh ;)

  • LIZEGUD713

    24 Januari 2016

    Klo yg Hyper Grace kan sekali selamat tetap selamat walau kita buat dosa lg, tdk ada pertobatan karna menurut paham ini Tuhan sdh mengampuni dosa kita bahkan yg akan datang yg blm kita lakukan jg sdh Tuhan ampuni jd gk perlu ada pertobatan. Yah gk samalah, beda,,

    NUGIEE368 tulis:

    oh sama yah "Hyper Grace" dgn "KAsih Karunia" ..?

  • LIZEGUD713

    24 Januari 2016


    HANA914 tulis:

    Yang jadi persoalan dalam hyper grace adalah banyak orang mrnyia nyiakan kasih karunia. Mereka tetap berbuat dosa dan mengambil ayat-ayat hanya untuk kepentingan pribadinya sendiri. Keselamatan tidak bisa lah diperoleh hanya dari ucapan "saya percaya" ... HARUS ADA AKSI DARI KATA PERCAYA ... bukan omdo .. Grace is good ...but hyper grace??

    Ini satu hal yang krusial ...hati-hati karena pemahaman yang salah tentang keselamatan dan kasih karunia akan membawa banyak jiwa pada kesesatan

    Di bawah ini khotbah pdt Erastus. ..judul nggak relevan ... Tapi ada sedikit konsep hypergrace di depan ... N i definitely agreed with him

  • LIZEGUD713

    24 Januari 2016

    Mba ee,, Kasih Karunia yg dibahas ini bukan Kasih Karunia yg biasa mba dengar selama ini, ini Hyper Grace, Kasih Karunia yg Hyper , berlebihan, yg manganut paham sekali selamat tetap selamat, walau kita tdk bertobat & terus melakukan dosa lagi karna menurut paham ini tdk diperlukan pertobatan karna Tuhan sdh mengampuni dosa manusia bahkan dosa yg akan datang yg belum dilakukan oleh manusia. Jd jgn salah mbaa,, ada perbedaan,, terserah mau pilih yg mana,,be wise minta Hikmat Tuhan..

    MEIKE181 tulis:

    Mengapa theologi kasih karunia ini dinyatakan sebagai pengajaran yg salah? Bukankah kita memang hidup hanya oleh karena kasih karunia Tuhan.

    24 Januari 2016 diubah oleh LIZEGUD713

  • RITA010

    24 Januari 2016

    HYPERGRACE kasih karunianya itu tidak salah dan Tuhan selalu memberikan kasih karunia yg berlimpah cuman dalam konteks ajaran hypergrace terbilang  ajaranya sangat meremehkan dosa  ,,  yaitu bagi yg sudah dislamatkan sklpun melakukan jinah,slingkuh,dosa percabulan dan dosa lainya dinyakini tetap selamat jd tidak perlu ada pertobatan ,,,karna di percaya skali selamat tetap selamat ,,,wahhh  bebas melakukan dosa...biar melakukan dosa gk perlu tobat krn Tuhan udah memberikan kasih karunia inilah arti kasih karunia dari hypergrace yg menurut saya sih salah;-)

  • DOMI011

    24 Januari 2016

    Lucu yah pemikirannya, kenapa teologi pasti selamat ini di anggap bebas melakukan dosa

    Wah, diriku dan bro DCH susah dapat jodoh nih JK..xexexe

    24 Januari 2016 diubah oleh DOMI011

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