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Lowongan Kerja


476 – 500 dari 3357    Ke halaman:  Sebelumnya  1 ... 19  20  21 ... 135  Selanjutnya Kirim tanggapan

  • ZEGA376

    11 April 2016

    Lowongan Kerja Asisten Kepala Produksi, Agronomis, Civil Engineering, Maintenance Estate Manager - PT ASTRA AGRO LESTARI TBK
    PT. Astra Agro Lestari, Tbk
    Batam, ID

    Please send your CV and application letter to

    Or for further information please contact us at 021-4616555 (hunting)

    Address: Kawasan Industri Pulogadung, Blok OR. 1- 2, Pulo Ayang Raya, Jatinegara, Cakung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia
    Phone:+62 21 4616555

    Job description
    PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk Bergerak dalam usaha perkebunan kelapa sawit dengan luas lahan lebih dari 266.706 hektar yang berada di wilayah Sulawesi, Kalimantan dan Sumatra.

    Posisi Kode

    Asisten Kepala Produksi (Akp)
    Asisten Agronomis (Ag)
    Asisten Audit (Aa)
    Asisten Civil Engineering (Ace)
    Asisten Estate Manager (Aem)
    Asisten Maintenance (Am)


    • Minimal Diploma - Sarjana Semua Jurusan
    • Fresh Graduate atau telah berpengalaman kerja
    • Mampu bekerja secara tim dan individu
    • Siap ditempatkan di luar pulau Jawa seperti Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi.

    Kelengkapan Berkas

    • Berkas Lamaran Kerja
    • Curriculum Vitae (CV) / Daftar Riwayat Hidup
    • Copy Ijazah terakhir yang telah dilegalisir / Surat Keterangan Lulus (SKL).
    • Copy transkrip akademik yang telah dilegalisir.
    • Copy KTP yang masih berlaku.
    • Pas foto berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar.
    • Tuliskan nama posisi yg anda inginkan di subjek email
    • Memiliki dorongan dan semangat kerja, mampu menjalin hubungan yang baik, membina Kerjasama, mampu menganalisa masalah dan memiliki ide pemecahan masalah yang efektif, serta memiliki perencanaan kerja dan evaluasi pelaksanaannya dengan baik.

    Industry : Farming
    Employment type : Full-time
    Experience : Not Applicable
    Job function: Other

    Meet PT. Astra Agro Lestari, Tbk
    Farming · 5001-10000 employees · Founded 1984 · Public Company
    Astra Agro Lestari in Brief
    PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (the "Company") has been weathering the ups and downs of palm oil business for the last 31 years. It was started as a business unit of PT Astra International Tbk to develop 2,000 hectares of cassava plantation. Then it was transformed into a rubber plantation after seeing the rise of demand for rubber.

    Later, considering the promising business of palm oil, PT Astra International Tbk ventured into the palm oil industry. In 1984, PT Astra International Tbk acquired PT Tunggal Perkasa Plantations, which already had a 15,000 hectares oil palm plantation in Riau province. The business decision was proven timely and right as the palm oil business has been growing robustly, delivering a positive impact to the Company's business unit.

    Continually experiencing a strong growth, PT Astra Agro Lestari listed its shares for the first time on 9 December 1997 on the Jakarta Stock Exchange and the Surabaya Stock Exchange, which both had been merged into the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX). During its Initial Public Offering (IPO).

    After being in operations for 31 years, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk has now had a total area of 266,706 hectares oil palm plantations, which consist of its nucleus estates and plasma (plasma plantations) in Sumatera, Kalimantan and Sulawesi, with an average age of 14 years. Until the end of 2011, the Company had permanent employed 26,473 people.

  • ZEGA376

    11 April 2016

    Project Manager (ET 1)

    Experience : 15 Year Level : General Manager Education : S1 GPA :


    • Merencanakan pelaksanaan dan mengevaluasi secara efisien dan efektif pelaksanaan pembangunan proyek high rise secara reguler sesuai target kontrol yang ditetapkan, baik kualitas, budget, maupun waktu.
    • Membuat dan melaksanakan Pengendalian Mutu Pekerjaan (Project Quality Plan) dari awal sampai selesai proyek serta memberikan pengarahan atau pengawasan kepada kontraktor di lapangan agar mencapai target yang ditetapkan.
    • Mengevaluasi kualitas pekerjaan yang diserahterimakan kontraktor.
    • Melaporkan hasil pekerjaan proyek kepada Direktur Proyek.

    Skill Required

    • Lulus pendidikan S1 / S2 dari program studi Teknik Sipil atau Arsitektur dari universitas ternama.
    • Memiliki pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di posisi Project Manager, terutama di proyek high-rise building di perusahaan pengembang properti, kontraktor konstruksi gedung, konsultan sipil.
    • Usia 40 s.d. 50 tahun. Bersedia ditempatkan di project Agung Podomoro di seluruh Indonesia.

    Company: PT. Agung Podomoro Land Tbk - Head Office
    City: Batam, Medan, Makassar, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Bandung, Ciawi, Jakarta dan Bali ... ager-et-1-.html

    Please contact us for more information or visit us during business hours (Mon - Fri: 08:00-17:00) at:

    Apartment Mediterania Garden Residence 1, Tower Dahlia, 2nd Floor

    Podomoro City, Jl. Letjen S. Parman Kav 5-9, Jakarta Barat 11470

    Telp : +621 300 46888

    Contact persons: Indah Damayanti, Hendy Purwo Prabowo


    The Agung Podomoro Land (APL) Recruitment Center is a division under Human Resources directorate of PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk established in 2011.

    The goal of APL Recruitment Center is to provide our business units with the highest quality and most effective candidate sourcing and screening activities for the purpose of recruiting and developing professionals. It will also assist job seeker to search for opportunities across the group. The service is free.

    PT Agung Podomoro Land, Tbk
    Real Estate · 1001-5000 employees · Public Company
    PT Agung Podomoro Land, Tbk., the new name of PT Tiara Metropolitan Jaya, is a consortium of seven prominent property developers that have ten prestigious projects in Jakarta, Bandung and Bali. Agung Podomoro Group, the parent company of Agung Podomoro Land, who has been in property business for more than 40 years, was founded by Anton Haliman. One of Agung Podomoro's notable works is the development of a land in Sunter, North Jakarta, transforming it into an elite residential compound. The project was inaugurated as the most remarkable achievement in the real estate industry in Jakarta. In 1986, the leadership was handed over to Trihatma Kusuma Haliman, the son of Anton Haliman.

    In the last 10 years, the growth of Agung Podomoro has been remarkable with portfolio of more than 59 properties, mostly aimed towards the middle income segment and ranged from low-cost apartment projects to the high end apartments in South of Jakarta, high end malls to neighbourhood malls, shop houses, hotels and office towers.

    Leveraging on the experience of the parent's company, Agung Podomoro Land presents you the opportunity to be part of the fast growing developer company in Indonesia, where the local knowledge meets the international standards.

    11 April 2016 diubah oleh ZEGA376

  • ZEGA376

    11 April 2016

    Tenant Relation Manager (MP 6)

    Industry : Real Estate
    Employment type : Full-time
    Experience : Mid-Senior level
    Job function : Marketing ... ager-mp-6-.html

    Experience : 5 Year Level : Asst. Manager/Manager Education : S1 GPA :-n/a


    • Mengelola hubungan yang kondusif dengan para tenant.
    • Mengatur pola pelayanan yang baik kepada para tenant.
    • Mampu menerima dan memberikan solusi terhadap pengaduan tuntutan dari konsumen.
    • Mengatur proses sosialisasi informasi yang berkaitan dengan operasional gedung.

    Skill Required

    • Lulus pendidikan S1 / S2 dari berbagai program dari universitas ternama.
    • Memiliki pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di posisi Tenant Relation Manager, terutama di perusahaan pengembang properti ternama.
    • Usia 35 s.d. 45 tahun.
    • Bersedia ditempatkan di project Agung Podomoro di seluruh Indonesia.

    Company: PT. Agung Podomoro Land Tbk - Head Office
    City: Batam, Medan, Makassar, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Bandung, Ciawi, Jakarta dan Bali


    Please contact us for more information or visit us during business hours (Mon - Fri: 08:00-17:00) at:

    Apartment Mediterania Garden Residence 1, Tower Dahlia, 2nd Floor

    Podomoro City, Jl. Letjen S. Parman Kav 5-9, Jakarta Barat 11470

    Telp : +621 300 46888

    Contact persons: Indah Damayanti, Hendy Purwo Prabowo


    The Agung Podomoro Land (APL) Recruitment Center is a division under Human Resources directorate of PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk established in 2011.

    The goal of APL Recruitment Center is to provide our business units with the highest quality and most effective candidate sourcing and screening activities for the purpose of recruiting and developing professionals. It will also assist job seeker to search for opportunities across the group. The service is free.

    PT Agung Podomoro Land, Tbk
    Real Estate · 1001-5000 employees · Public Company
    PT Agung Podomoro Land, Tbk., the new name of PT Tiara Metropolitan Jaya, is a consortium of seven prominent property developers that have ten prestigious projects in Jakarta, Bandung and Bali. Agung Podomoro Group, the parent company of Agung Podomoro Land, who has been in property business for more than 40 years, was founded by Anton Haliman. One of Agung Podomoro's notable works is the development of a land in Sunter, North Jakarta, transforming it into an elite residential compound. The project was inaugurated as the most remarkable achievement in the real estate industry in Jakarta. In 1986, the leadership was handed over to Trihatma Kusuma Haliman, the son of Anton Haliman.

    In the last 10 years, the growth of Agung Podomoro has been remarkable with portfolio of more than 59 properties, mostly aimed towards the middle income segment and ranged from low-cost apartment projects to the high end apartments in South of Jakarta, high end malls to neighbourhood malls, shop houses, hotels and office towers.

    Leveraging on the experience of the parent's company, Agung Podomoro Land presents you the opportunity to be part of the fast growing developer company in Indonesia, where the local knowledge meets the international standards.

  • ZEGA376

    11 April 2016

    Casual Leasing Manager (MP 14)
    PT Agung Podomoro Land, Tbk
    Balikpapan, ID

    Industry : Real Estate
    Employment type : Full-time
    Experience : Mid-Senior level
    Job function : Sales

    Casual Leasing Manager (MP 14)

    Experience : 10 Year Level : Asst. Manager/Manager Education : S1 GPA :-n/a

    Responsibility :

    • Merencanakan strategi, mengoordinasikan, dan mengarahkan kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan tenancy dan promotion.
    • Melaksanakan kegiatan promotion yang efektif dan efisien untuk memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal kepada pemilik / penyewa toko dan pengunjung.
    • Menjaga dan mengelola hubungan yang baik dengan para tenant dan mengembangkan data base.
    • Mampu menerima dan memberikan solusi terhadap pengaduan tuntutan dari tenant.
    • Mengatur proses sosialisasi informasi yang berkaitan dengan operasional gedung.

    Skill Required

    • Lulus pendidikan S1 / S2 dari berbagai program dari universitas ternama.
    • Memiliki pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di posisi Casual Leasing Manager, terutama di perusahaan pengembang properti ternama.
    • Usia 35 s.d. 45 tahun.
    • Bersedia ditempatkan di project Agung Podomoro di seluruh Indonesia.

    Company: PT. Agung Podomoro Land Tbk - Head Office
    City: Batam, Medan, Makassar, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Bandung, Ciawi, Jakarta dan Bali


    Please contact us for more information or visit us during business hours (Mon - Fri: 08:00-17:00) at:

    Apartment Mediterania Garden Residence 1, Tower Dahlia, 2nd Floor

    Podomoro City, Jl. Letjen S. Parman Kav 5-9, Jakarta Barat 11470

    Telp : +621 300 46888

    Contact persons: Indah Damayanti, Hendy Purwo Prabowo


    The Agung Podomoro Land (APL) Recruitment Center is a division under Human Resources directorate of PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk established in 2011.

    The goal of APL Recruitment Center is to provide our business units with the highest quality and most effective candidate sourcing and screening activities for the purpose of recruiting and developing professionals. It will also assist job seeker to search for opportunities across the group. The service is free.

    PT Agung Podomoro Land, Tbk
    Real Estate · 1001-5000 employees · Public Company
    PT Agung Podomoro Land, Tbk., the new name of PT Tiara Metropolitan Jaya, is a consortium of seven prominent property developers that have ten prestigious projects in Jakarta, Bandung and Bali. Agung Podomoro Group, the parent company of Agung Podomoro Land, who has been in property business for more than 40 years, was founded by Anton Haliman. One of Agung Podomoro's notable works is the development of a land in Sunter, North Jakarta, transforming it into an elite residential compound. The project was inaugurated as the most remarkable achievement in the real estate industry in Jakarta. In 1986, the leadership was handed over to Trihatma Kusuma Haliman, the son of Anton Haliman.

    In the last 10 years, the growth of Agung Podomoro has been remarkable with portfolio of more than 59 properties, mostly aimed towards the middle income segment and ranged from low-cost apartment projects to the high end apartments in South of Jakarta, high end malls to neighbourhood malls, shop houses, hotels and office towers.

    Leveraging on the experience of the parent's company, Agung Podomoro Land presents you the opportunity to be part of the fast growing developer company in Indonesia, where the local knowledge meets the international standards.

  • DEHOPE594

    11 April 2016

    Wah bang trima kasih infonya, segera cv meluncur.

    ZEGA376 tulis:

    Executive Chef

    InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG®)


    Executive Chef




    19 September 2016 diubah oleh JODOHKRISTEN

  • SISKA774

    12 April 2016

    Posting lagi dong yang posisi posisi temporer utk event Jakarta Expo Kemayoran itu. Sepertinya saya pernah lihat

    12 April 2016 diubah oleh SISKA774


    14 April 2016


    14 April 2016


    Santika Indonesia Hotels & Resorts, under the management of PT Grahawita Santika, was established in 1981. It was begun with; the company bought, build, and renovate hotels into chains of Santika Hotels.

    We are hiring !!! For our new Hotels in Palembang (Opening June 2016). Kindly send your Curriculum Vitae to our Corporate Recruitment.  Open

    14 April 2016 diubah oleh RACHELREY461


    16 April 2016

  • SIMON462

    16 April 2016

    buat drafter seusia saya ada ga Deborah cantik?

    16 April 2016 diubah oleh SIMON462

  • AKUN616

    20 April 2016

    ada kah pekerjaan utk seusia saya ..tks debora gbu


    20 April 2016


    20 April 2016

  • JOSUA323

    20 April 2016

    Ada lowongan untuk guru Agama Kristen atau guru BP / konseling ga ya, thanks ya ...

  • JOSUA323

    20 April 2016

    tolong inbox ya ..

  • AKUN616

    20 April 2016

    Semua loker memakai ijasah , ada kah loker yang hanya punya pengalaman saja untuk saya,,,thank's debora (y)


    21 April 2016


  • IWANXS553

    21 April 2016

    Kalau ada lowongan untuk telco industry, tolong di share juga ya,

    Thanks :-)

  • ANTO423

    21 April 2016

    IWANXS553 tulis:

    Kalau ada lowongan untuk telco industry, tolong di share juga ya,

    Thanks :-)

    silakan di coba bro.

    XL Axiata Open Positions:

    - Specialist - LTE Information & Analysis

    - Industrial Relation

    -Manager Sales (various region)

    - Expert – CLM AXIS

    - Expert – Business Analytics

    - Specialist – Touchpoints Traditional

    - Head of Yield Management

    - Specialist Experience Design

    - Specialist Data Center & Interoperability Strategy

    - Sr Engineer/Specialist – Release Engineering

    - VP BCA - Team Leader

    – Service Testing - Sr Engineer/Specialist

    – Release Engineering

    - Specialist/Expert

    - Service Perform & Capacity Management

    Please send your CV to

    Atau ini Pak iwanx553 ... 676a-large.jpeg

    21 April 2016 diubah oleh ANTO423

  • LINDA299

    22 April 2016

    Lowngan jdi ibu rumah tangga ada ga ya?

    Tlg di share ya........



  • LISTON872

    22 April 2016

    LINDA299 tulis:

    Lowngan jdi ibu rumah tangga ada ga ya?

    Tlg di share ya........





    22 April 2016

    Kl bisa saran,,,

    Kl bs batas waktu lamaranny seminggu lagi baru dipost disini,,, kl cmn 2 at 3 hr...ya gk keburu

  • DEBORA588

    22 April 2016

    Dear All,

    Salah satu perusahaan Cina yang bergerak dibidang pembangkit listrik (PT. Tenaga Listrik Bengkulu) membutuhkan sekretaris (merangkap juga sebagai receptionist) dengan kriteria diantaranya sbb:

    - Bisa berbahasa inggris dengan aktif

    - Multi Tasking

    - Mau ditempatkan di Bengkulu

    Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut atau ada pertanyaan/pengiriman CV dapat di email langsung ke:

    Good luck.


  • DEBORA588

    22 April 2016


    kami perusahaan PMA yg tergabung dlm UNIMECH GROUP BERHAD Malaysia, memiliki lebih dari 30 Cabang di seluruh Indonesia, membutuhkan calon karyawan yg memiliki integritas, motivasi tinggi dan kompeten utk posisi :


    1. Pendidikan min. D3

    2. Wanita, usia maks. 35thn

    3. Penampilan menarik & enerjik

    4. Komunikasi aktif & terbiasa negosiasi dengan customer

    5. Sanggup bekerja secara team & target

    6. Memiliki jaringan & relasi yg luas

    7. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (min. Ms. Office)

    8. Mampu berbahasa Inggris

    9. Diutamakan berpengalaman sebagai Marketing/Sales pada project-project petrochemical.

    10. Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas ke luar kota.

    Kirimkan surat lamaran, CV lengkap dan pasfoto terbaru ke alamat :


    Kompleks Rukan Sunter Permai Blok C No. 7-9,

    Jl. Danau Sunter Utara, Sunter

    Jakarta Utara 14350

    Atau Kirimkan Ke :


  • 22 April 2016

    Ijin ikutan mantau yah... sohib lagi nyari2 neh... saya bantukan shareinfo ke sohib dekat... threadnya oke brat... :up::up::up:

476 – 500 dari 3357    Ke halaman:  Sebelumnya  1 ... 19  20  21 ... 135  Selanjutnya Kirim tanggapan