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    9 Juni 2016


    Bahana TCW Investment Management (Bahana TCW) is a joint venture between Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia with Trust Company of the West (TCW), a Los Angeles-based reputable investment management company. Wide experience and in-depth expertise in investment management for more than 15 years have led Bahana TCW to win the trust from various clients, institutional and individual, as well as numerous domestic and international awards.

    We are one of the first investment management company in Indonesia and currently the 2nd largest in Indonesia Mutual Fund industry with asset under management over IDR 30.1 Trillion*. In 2015, we received a prestigious award from Alpha Southeast Asia magazine as the Best Asset & Fund Manager in Indonesia. (*As of 31st December 2015)

    We are looking for energetic people with fresh thinking and different perspectives to join us as an Investment Specialist.

    The Role

    As an Investment Specialist, you will become an expert speaker providing investment advices and economic outlook for our distribution partners. By interacting closely with our investment team and speaking in front of various high-net-worth individuals across the nation, you can be assured that both your communication skills and investment acumen will be rapidly developed.

    As part of Marketing and Business Development team, you will also have opportunities to design and implement marketing strategy by working closely with our distribution partners to grow our business in private and priority banks. This is a highly demanding position that will require you to develop skills in finance, marketing & networking and, most importantly, your entrepreneurial spirit.

    The Candidate
    -Hold bachelor degree (S1) from reputable universities
    -Computer literate (Windows, Internet, Power Point, Excel, Word)
    -Excellent communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills
    -Prepared to work and travel
    -Thrives in dynamic challenges
    -Longs for a solid working team
    -Passionate both in acquiring and sharing investment insights
    -Ready to jump-start their career in financial industry

    We respond to the challenges! Do you?
    If you are interested to join our company, please send us your CV and an Essay answering the following question: “If you were given IDR 1 Billion to invest today, where would you invest it?” (up to 400 words) to: (make sure the email do not exceed 1MB)
    Please write shortlisted position code on the email subject.
    Only complete application (CV + Essay) will be considered.

    For further information please visit:


    11 Juni 2016

    • PT. SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) membuka kesempatan untuk berkarier sebagai :

    1. Marketing Research Specialist (Kode : MR- PPK)
    2. Account Manager (Kode : AM - PPK)
    3. Telephone Operator (Kode : TO –PPK)
    4. Sekretaris (SES – PPK)
    5. Information Technology Officer (Kode : ITO – ISB)
    6. Development Specialist (Kode : DES – ISB )
    7. Technical Inspector 1 (Kode : TI 1 - AEM)
    8. Technical Inspector 2 (Kode : TI 2 - AEM)

    1. Persyaratan :

    a. Marketing Research Specialist :

    - Pendidikan Minimum S1, diutamakan jurusan Ekonomi,Statistik/Matematika,Teknik
    - Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri : minimal Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) 2,75
    - Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta : minimal Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) 3,0
    - Minimum pengalaman 2 tahun
    - Kemampuan melakukan presentasi dengan baik
    - Memahami proses bisnis dan produk jasa perusahaan
    - Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai pemasaran dan penjualan
    - Memiliki pengetahuan statistik dasar

    b. Account Manager :

    - Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan
    - Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri : minimal Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) 2,75
    - Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta : minimal Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) 3,0
    - Perempuan, maksimal usia 32 tahun
    - Minimal 3 tahun pengalaman di bidang penjualan
    - Mampu berbahasa Inggris (aktif)
    - Mempunyai kemampuan menjual dan komunikasi yang baik
    - Mampu menuangkan inisiatif/gagasan kedalam bentuk project brief dan atau proposal
    - Memahami spesifikasi jasa termasuk service knowledge
    - Memahami product knowledge pada pelanggan yang dikelolanya
    - Memahami konsep dasar manajemen risiko dan manajemen proyek
    - Mampu melaksanakan seluruh rangkaian aktivitas pengelolaan Account secara mandiri
    - Mempunyai kemampuan analisa, konseptual,negosiasi,teknik presentasi,interpersonal dan kewirausahaan

    c. Telephone Operator :

    - Pendidikan minimal SLTA semua jurusan
    - Mampu Bahasa Inggris (pasif)
    - Minimal 3 tahun pengalaman di perusahaan
    - Memahami proses bisnis dan produk jasa perusahaan
    - Kemampuan membina hubungan interpersonal yang baik dengan berbagai pihak
    - Pemahaman mengenai pelayanan pelanggan
    - Kemampuan dalam menangani keluhan

    d. Sekretaris :

    - Minimal D3 dari Akademi Sekretaris.
    - Minimal Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) 3.00 dari skala 4.00
    - Memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun sebagai sekretaris
    - Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.
    - Kemampuan dalam berbahasa Inggris secara aktif (lisan/tertulis).
    - Memiliki pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Dictaphone.
    - Pengetahuan dalam hal urusan kesekretariatan dan ketatausahaan.

    e. Information Technology Officer :

    - Minimal S1 Teknik/Eksakta/Informatika
    - Minimal Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) 3.00 dari skala 4.00
    - Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman di bidang Hardware,Software,Networking (termasuk WAN,OS(Linux & Windows) dan Database Administration

    f. Development Specialist :

    - Minimal S1 Teknik Informatika / Mgt. Informatika
    - Minimal Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) 3.00 dari skala 4.00
    - Diutamakan pernah mambangun/mengembangkan aplikasi SI/TI berbasis Oracle

    g. Technical Inspector 1 (Kode : TI 1 - AEM)

    - Minimal S1 Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Sipil
    - Minimal Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) 3.00 dari skala 4.00

    h. Technical Inspector 2 (Kode : TI 2 - AEM)

    - Minimal S1 Teknik Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Sipil
    - Minimal Indek Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) 3.00 dari skala 4.00
    - Memiliki Sertifikat Welding Inspection dan Sertifikat MIGAS

    2. Belum menikah
    3. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO)
    4. Tidak pernah diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai suatu instansi pemerintah ataupun swasta
    5. Tidak mempunyai hubungan keluarga dengan pegawai perusahaan sebagai suami-isteri; kakak adik kandung/tiri/angkat; orang tua – anak kandung/tiri/angkat
    6. Hanya yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi.
    7. Mencantumkan Kode Posisi Jabatan pada sudut kanan atas amplop
    8. Khusus bagi pelamar yang mengirimkan lamaran melalui email, wajib mencantumkan kode posisi jabatan yang dilamar sebagaimana tersebut diatas.
    9. Batas waktu penerimaan lamaran tanggal 23 Juni 2016
    10.Proses seleksi dilakukan di Jakarta

    Surat lamaran pekerjaan ditujukan kepada :
    Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Kav 34 Jakarta 12780
    Divisi Human Capital

    Atau email ke :


    Dengan melampirkan :

    1. Surat Lamaran
    2. Biodata Pribadi lengkap
    3. Foto ukuran Post Card (seluruh badan)
    4. Copy Akta Kelahiran
    5. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK)
    6. Surat Keterangan sehat dari Dokter
    7. Copy KTP yang masih berlaku
    8. Copy Kartu Keluarga
    9. Copy Ijazah beserta transkrip akademik yang sudah dilegalisir
    10.Copy Sertifikat lainnya yang mendukung

    Catatan :

    PT SUCOFINDO (PERSERO) tidak melakukan pungutan apapun dalam melakukan proses seleksi penerimaan pegawai.


    12 Juni 2016

    Pabrik di daerah bekasi untuk SMA ada gk sobat, atw gk jabotabek jg kalo ada


  • JUNI849

    12 Juni 2016

    Buat sahabat2 JK, jika ada info loker bagian Finance atau administrasi bagi2 info ya sis bro.. Thank u so much.. ^_^

  • DEBORA588

    13 Juni 2016

    Company: Institute International Development (IIE)

    USAID project: PRESTASI-3

    Position title: Administrative Assistant

    Start-date: August 2016

    Reports To: Deputy Chief of Party

    Work Hours/Week: 40

    Overview: USAID/Indonesia Program to
    Extend Scholarships and Training to Achieve Sustainable Impacts (PRESTASI-3) is
    a five-year project begun in October-2014 that will support individuals and
    institutions to acquire the knowledge, skills, and capacity to contribute to
    the achievement of development objectives in Indonesia, primarily through
    short- and long-term training in the U.S.

    of Position: The Administrative
    Assistant will provide administrative support for PRESTASI-3 activities. Under the supervision of the Deputy Chief of
    Party, the assistant will support the scholarship program and office

    Essential Duties and Responsibilities include the following. IIE may
    add, change, or remove essential and other duties at any time.

    Program Support

    – Make travel arrangements, hotel reservations, arrange local
    transportation, and communicate detailed travel itineraries on behalf of IIE
    team members and other program stakeholders.

    – Draft program-related correspondence.

    – In coordination with program team, develop and distribute program
    presentations and publications.

    – Enter data into program systems; support the preparation of reports to
    USAID, IIE, and GOI offices.

    – Support program events, occasionally representing IIE.


    Support project administration, operations and
    logistics to comply with IIE company requirements, USGOV regulations, and GOI

    Field general inquiries by phone or e-mail.

    Support service delivery of IT and other
    program equipment; track inventory.

    Provide logistical support for meetings and
    workshops with vendors, government representatives, and partners.

    Manage office mailing system.

    Assist with compiling, reviewing, and editing

    Translate documents from English to Bahasa and
    Bahasa to English.

    Prepare payment requests.

    Provide general support for office finance
    & accounting functions.


    · Bachelor’s degree,
    preferably in business administration or related field

    · 1 to 2 years of
    progressively responsible experience in a business-related field

    Skills Required:

    · Excellent
    proficiency with knowledge of Microsoft Office 2010; internet software and
    database software.

    · Strong
    organizational, problem solving and time management skills.

    · Maintains high
    levels of confidentiality.

    · Uses care and
    discretion in handling accounts and when dealing with sensitive information

    · Demonstrates
    careful attention to detail.

    · Demonstrated
    ability to handle a heavy workload and changing priorities and tasks under
    strict deadlines.

    · Excellent
    interpersonal skills and proficiency in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

    · Strong interest
    and ability to work effectively in a team environment.

    Salary: salary calculations are based on verified salary history, level of qualifications, and USAID and IIE compensation guidelines.

    Environment and Physical Demands:

    Essential functions are typically
    performed in an office setting with a medium level of noise. Reasonable
    accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform
    the essential functions.

    Overnight travel and travel on weekends may be required in order to
    assist with project activities.

    How to Apply: email updated CV in English to PRESTASI-3 Chief of Party Mr. Randall Martin

    JUNI849 tulis:

    Buat sahabat2 JK, jika ada info loker bagian Finance atau administrasi bagi2 info ya sis bro.. Thank u so much.. ^_^

  • IVAN438

    14 Juni 2016

    sory ganggu mau tanya ada loker ga buat accounting spv/manager? jika bisa domisili jakarta barat.:-D

    saya sedang mencari pekerjaan baru, saat ini saya bekerja di yayasan sebagai asisten manager accounting di jakarta barat.


  • DEBORA588

    14 Juni 2016

    Dear Ivan,

    Seperti nya kami ada beberapa kali publish loker untuk posisi accounting, mungkin ivan bisa coba buka di halaman yang sebelum nya, namun untuk masalah lokasi kaya nya bukan di jakarta barat ... kebanyakkan wilayah jakarta selatan.

    nanti kalau ada loker yang sesuai dengan spek nya ivan, kami akan publish.

    IVAN438 tulis:

    sory ganggu mau tanya ada loker ga buat accounting spv/manager? jika bisa domisili jakarta barat.:-D

    saya sedang mencari pekerjaan baru, saat ini saya bekerja di yayasan sebagai asisten manager accounting di jakarta barat.


  • DEBORA588

    14 Juni 2016

    peer nya dah kelar ya rachel

    14 Juni 2016 diubah oleh DEBORA588


    14 Juni 2016

    Siap laksanakaann kakaaaa...PR nya banyaakk juga yaahh,,,hehehe...semangaaatt.... :-D thanks ka Deb..:up:

    DEBORA588 tulis:

    Mimin, maaf ya nitip pesan disini ... udah gak member full lagi dan gak bisa kirim pesan.

    Dear Rachel or teman-teman yang lagi singgah di topik lowongan kerja.

    Tolong bantuin untuk klik tombol "laporkan" untuk iklan loker ku yang mungkin dari halaman 25-32"   yang sudah expired dengan pesan ... " lowongan sudah expired mohon didetele ya min"

    biar berkurang dikit ini halaman nya dan mempermudah teman-teman untuk mencari loker yang terbaru. ku udah klik beberapa loker yang sudah expired dari halaman 20-30 an.

    Thanks a bunch ya ya semua

    maaf ya mimin .... numpang yang gratisan, kalau mau di delete boleh, tapi ntar abis rachel nya baca ... hehehehe. Maulite mimin

  • DEBORA588

    14 Juni 2016

    Makasih rachel bantuannya, ku kena semprot si mimin euy

    RACHELREY461 tulis:

    Siap laksanakaann kakaaaa...PR nya banyaakk juga yaahh,,,hehehe...semangaaatt.... :-D thanks ka Deb..:up:

    14 Juni 2016 diubah oleh DEBORA588

  • DEBORA588

    14 Juni 2016

    Dear all,

    A Law Firm located in Menteng, Jakarta, looking for a candidate for the position of:



    1. Female, max. 28 years old;

    2. Domiciled in Jakarta;

    3. Preferably have 1 year exp. as Secretary in a Law Firm;

    4. Good command in speaking and writing English;

    5. Pleasant personality and well representative;

    6. Computer literate, good with filing system, arrangement of working agenda;

    7. Wide perspective, mature, open minded, helpful, good communication skills;

    8. Able to work in a team and able to work under pressure;

    Should you meet the above requirements, kindly s end your complete CV with current and expected salary and latest photograph to:,  attn to Managing Partner.

    Only qualified candidates will be considered and short-listed candidates will be further notified.

  • DEBORA588

    14 Juni 2016

    :::::::::::::::::::::: JOB VACANCY :::::::::::::::::::::::::

    Ener Life Pte. Ltd. is a subsidiary of Nabati Group, which engaged in exporting snack produced by PT. Kaldu Sari Nabati Indonesia (KSNI). KSNI is the starting business of Nabati Group, engaged in food industry with specialty cream cheese wafer. We are proudly known as the pioneer of cream cheese wafer in Indonesia.  We are also well-known with our cheese flavoured products such as Richeese Nabati Cheese Wafer, Richeese Roll’s, Richeese Ahh’, Richeese Siip, Richeese Bisvit Selimut, Richeese Delis, Richeese Cheese Pasta, and many more.

    All of our products are the combination of selected raw ingredients with modern production processes resulting a high quality and nutritious products. With these excellent and high quality products, We became the consumer’s primary choice. This is proven by numerous awards which have been acquired such as Best Brand Award, MURI, and Top Brand Award.

    Along with the rapid business development of our company, We challenge people with professional knowledge, integrity, and strong willingness to face a dynamic organization to grow with us as:


    Requirements :

    - Male / Female, single, with maximum age 30 years old

    - Bachelor degree from Japanese/Chinese Literature/other literature ;  with minimum GPA 3.00 of 4.00

    - Fresh graduates are welcome to apply

    - Fluent in English (both oral and written) is a must

    - Good communication skill

    - Detail oriented and well-organized

    - Quick respond and willing to learn

    - Computer literate (Ms. Office)

    - Will be placed at TB. Simatupang, South Jakarta

    Please submit comprehensive resume with recent photograph (max 200KB) to:


    14 Juni 2016

    Info donk Loker Funding officer daerah Medan dan sekitarnya. Thanks before

  • JUNI849

    14 Juni 2016

    Terima kasih info nya sis..

    DEBORA588 tulis:

    Company: Institute International Development (IIE)


    How to Apply: email updated CV in English to PRESTASI-3 Chief of Party Mr. Randall Martin

    19 September 2016 diubah oleh JODOHKRISTEN


    15 Juni 2016

    Done kak kemarin... u r wlcm yaa..

    Eih sama, aku jg dpt surat cinta dr mimin..

    DEBORA588 tulis:

    Makasih rachel bantuannya, ku kena semprot si mimin euy

  • DEBORA588

    15 Juni 2016

    karna melakukan promosi suatu yayasan tertentu dan apabila dilakukan lagi akun akan di banned? right?

    RACHELREY461 tulis:

    Done kak kemarin... u r wlcm yaa..

    Eih sama, aku jg dpt surat cinta dr mimin..

  • DEBORA588

    15 Juni 2016

    If you care about the environment and want to contribute to conservation efforts in Indonesia, this is the opportunity for you to join the largest national conservation organization in Indonesia. WWF-Indonesia, an independent national conservation organization, is part of a global network of WWF. WWF-IDN is currently seeking for the best candidate for the position of: General Support Officer, Palangka Raya

    This position will be based in Palangka Raya and report to Sebangau Project Leader. The job holder will be responsible to provide operational support for WWF Indonesia’s Kalimantan Program, especially related to the implementation of general support activities in accordance with WWF Indonesia standard and regulation that includes providing support for project activities as well as ensuring that all needs of office supplies, household and fixed assets can be met in timely manner

    Requirements for This Position are:
    - D3 or higher
    - 0-2 years of experiences in related field

    Interested applicants should send their CV and Cover Letter to with the subject of: General Support Officer Palangkaraya

    Applications will be closed 7 days after the publication of this advertisement (June 19th). Please note that only short-listed applicants meeting the above requirements will be contacted. For further information about this vacancy, please visit our website on

    Be a part of us, who is currently working in 28 regions in 17 provinces from Aceh to Papua, with more than 500 staffs and supported by more than 64,000 supporters in Indonesia. WWF Indonesia also works with governments, local communities, private sector, NGOs, civil society, and the public at large.

  • DEBORA588

    15 Juni 2016

    Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia) is a trustee institution that represents the Government of Indonesia to implement a five-year (2013-2018) Millennium Challenge Corporation's Compact Program, a major pillar of the United States-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership and the largest single pledge made by the United States to Indonesia to date.

    MCA-Indonesia has three projects under Compact Program: Green Prosperity, Community-based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting and Procurement Modernization. Our projects are designed, managed and implemented by Indonesians, for the Indonesian people. Our most important development work happens where it should be: the districts and the villages. Our goal is to reduce poverty through economic growth. Our program is country-driven, reform-centered, and results-focused in order to maximize its effectiveness and long-term sustainability.

    To reach the goal, MCA-Indonesia is seeking highly dynamic and deliverable-oriented professionals for a better Indonesia :

    Promotion and Publication Specialist

    The Promotion and Publication Specialist will develop and implement promotional tools, publication materials and strategic events to communicate MCA-Indonesia projects, activities, plans and successes.

    Principal Accountabilities:

    · Understand the difference audiences that MCA-Indonesia work with including the public at a local, regional, national and international level, governmental departments, local authorities and private sector, in order to tailor publications that will best influence and impact these groups.

    · Assist the Communications and Outreach Director in implementing MCA-Indonesia Branding Guidelines that will adhere to the mandatory MCC Branding Guidelines.

    · Maintain, improve and update the content of MCA-Indonesia website in close coordination with the IT, System and Website Officer based on inputs and updates from the Project Directors and other Division Directors.

    · ……….

    Find us here for more details:

  • DEBORA588

    15 Juni 2016

    Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia) is a trustee institution that represents the Government of Indonesia to implement a five-year (2013-2018) Millennium Challenge Corporation's Compact Program, a major pillar of the United States-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership and the largest single pledge made by the United States to Indonesia to date.

    MCA-Indonesia has three projects under Compact Program: Green Prosperity, Community-based Health and Nutrition to Reduce Stunting and Procurement Modernization. Our projects are designed, managed and implemented by Indonesians, for the Indonesian people. Our most important development work happens where it should be: the districts and the villages.  Our goal is to reduce poverty through economic growth. Our program is country-driven, reform-centered, and results-focused in order to maximize its effectiveness and long-term sustainability.

    To reach the goal, MCA-Indonesia is seeking highly dynamic and deliverable-oriented professionals for a better Indonesia :

    Promotion and Publication Specialist

    The Promotion and Publication Specialist will develop and implement promotional tools, publication materials and strategic events to communicate MCA-Indonesia projects, activities, plans and successes.

    Principal Accountabilities:

    ·         Understand the difference audiences that MCA-Indonesia work with including the public at a local, regional, national and international level, governmental departments, local authorities and private sector, in order to tailor publications that will best influence and impact these groups.

    ·         Assist the Communications and Outreach Director in implementing MCA-Indonesia Branding Guidelines that will adhere to the mandatory MCC Branding Guidelines.

    ·         Maintain, improve and update the content of MCA-Indonesia website in close coordination with the IT, System and Website Officer based on inputs and updates from the Project Directors and other Division Directors.

    ·         ……….

    Find us here for more details:


    18 Juni 2016

    Shalom all,

    Info kesempatan bergabung melayani:

    Sekolah Minggu Superbook adalah sebuah program pelayanan dari Cahaya Bagi Negeri Indonesia untuk melayani, menginspirasi, dan memperlengkapi gereja-gereja di Indonesia dalam menghadirkan sekolah minggu terbaik dalam menjangkau dan memuridkan generasi anak.

    Saat ini kami mencari putera-puteri terbaik daerah yang memiliki hati pelayanan anak, unggul, dan rindu melayani gereja-gereja di kota-kota dan daerah-daerah di Indonesia dengan program Sekolah Minggu Superbook sebagai:

    1. Fasilitator Regional (tingkat propinsi)

    2. Fasilitator Senior (koordinator tim Fasilitator kota)

    3. Fasilitator lokal

    Dengan kualifikasi SBB:

    1. Kristen lahir baru

    2. Memiliki hati pelayanan anak (diutamakan berlatar belakang pelayanan anak)

    3. Untuk Fasilitator Regional dan Fasilitator Senior diutamakan berijasah min.S1

    4. Mampu berjejaring secara luas dengan berbagai denominasi gereja

    5. Dapat bekerja secara tim

    6. Mampu bekerja dengan mobilitas tinggi dan diutamakan memiliki kendaraan sendiri.

    Lamaran dapat dikirim ke alamat email: atau ke superbook@gmail com. Informasi lebih lanjut silakan akses

  • INNE351

    20 Juni 2016

    Untuk teman2 JK jika ada kenalan expat dapat diinfokan bahwa diperlukan Native untuk sekolah swasta di Gading Serpong Tangerang

    Lamaran dapat dikirimkan ke

    ASAP ;-)

  • IVAN438

    22 Juni 2016

    ok debora588 trima kasih atas infonya.

  • DEBORA588

    22 Juni 2016

    Kami Perusahaan Logistik memerlukan tenaha Driver untuk membawa kendaraan Truk dan Kendaraan Operasional dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

    1. Supir Truk

    - Memiliki SIM B1 Khusus Truk

    - Biasa membawa Truk ke luar kota - Badung - Kerawang - Cikarang - Jakarta

    - Jujur

    - Rajin

    - Bertanggung Jawab

    - Domisili Rancaekek/Bandung

    2. Supir Operasional

    - Memiliki SIM A Kendaraan Roda 4

    - Biasa membawa kendaraan Rancaekk-Bandung-Jakarta

    - Jujur

    - Rajin

    - Bertanggung Jawab

    - Domisili Rancaekek/Bandung

    CV dan aplikasi kirim ke v i v i @ w e l g r o w . c o . i d

  • DEBORA588

    22 Juni 2016

    Dear Ibu Moderator,

    Boleh mohon bantuannya lagi untuk posting lowongan dibawah ini. Terima kasih banyak yaa.....




    We are Ali Budiardjo, Nugroho, Reksodiputro (ABNR), Counsellors at Law, one of the oldest, largest, and most prominent law firm in Indonesia, established in 1967 and supported by more than 100 lawyers are looking for a SECRETARY with the following requirements:

    Main Duties & Responsibilities

    · Prioritizes incoming correspondence, reports and other documents meant for the Lawyers;

    · For the Lawyers, prepares correspondences, reports, statistical charts, and other materials from rough draft, copies, notes, transcribing machine recordings, verbal instructions or other sources;

    · Maintains an up-to-date diary for the Lawyers including scheduling meetings, and arranging discussion and background papers and briefings as required;

    · Answers incoming phone calls for the Lawyers, takes messages and redirects (where appropriate);

    · Receives visitors for the Lawyers, takes messages, screens and redirects (where appropriate);

    · Maintains a bring-up file for correspondences and messages needing The Lawyers further attention;

    · Arranges general office support work for the Lawyers office including documents’ typing, copying, distributing and sending;

    · Serves as Secretary to meetings called by the Lawyers, prepares the agenda, notifications, assembles background materials; and takes minutes of meetings, and processes post-meeting documents;

    · Handles the Lawyers routine tasks in accordance with the directions given by the Lawyers;

    · Independently composes correspondences related to responsibilities assigned;

    · Responds to requests for information relating to responsibilities assigned;

    · Performs other duties as directed by the Lawyers;


    · Young, energetic, and dynamic female

    · Candidate must possess at least Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, Secretarial or equivalent

    · Minimum D3 (preferable from a reputable secretary academy) with minimum GPA 2,75

    · Working experience minimum 1 year as Secretary preferable in a law firm

    · Must be proficient in Ms. Office (Word, Excell, Power point, Outlook)

    · Fluent in English, both oral and written

    · Excellent competency in handling general secretarial duties, such as composes and types routine correspondence, prepares presentation, filing, and setting meeting/travel arrangements.

    · Has strong initiative and team work, able to perform multi tasking skills, to work under pressure and/or with tight deadline

    · Excellent communication skill & interpersonal skill

    · Good health, strong motivation, good personal attitude, attractive looking

    · Willing to work overtime

    Please send your application to Ms. PUJI ANDRIATI (

  • DEBORA588

    23 Juni 2016

    Euromedica Group sedang mencari beberapa posisi
    1. Admin Sales Support

    menggantikan karyawan cuti hamil ( 4 bulan kontrak)
    Jika bagus akan diposisikan ketempat lain

    - Wanita dan Good Looking
    - Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di posisi administration
    - Dapat menggunakan Excel dan power poin
    - Gaji UMR Jakarta
    - Graduate minimum SMA

    2. Admin Inventory Lokasi Kelapa Gading

    - Wanita dan good looking
    - Salary UMR Jakarta
    - kalau bisa lokasi rumah dekat dengan tempat kerja

    3. Beautician

    - Wanita dan Good looking
    - Punya pengalaman di posisi yg sama 1 tahun
    - minimal D3 keperawatan dan harus punya STR

    4. Sales Konsultan

    - wanita dan good looking
    - punya pengalaman dibidang yg sama minimal 3 tahun
    - punya database kandidate

    5. Finance Supervisor

    Qualification :
    - S1 Akutansi
    - Pria dan Wanita
    - Usia 25 - 35
    - Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun
    - Jujur dan teliti

    Jika ada yang berminat mohon Japri atau kirimkan cv ke alamat email atau bisa datang langsung ke kantor Jl Iskandarsyah No 97 Blok M Jakarta Selatan. Depan Wisma Iskandarsyah.


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