Lowongan Kerja
18 September 2017
PT. MAYORA INDAH, Tbk - Plant Cibitung membuka kesempatan berkarir sebagai STAFF PRODUKSI dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
1. Usia 23-30 tahun
2. D3/S1 T. Pangan / T. Industri / T. Kimia / T. Mesin /T. Elektro
3. Pengalaman minimal 2-3 tahun di bagian produksi, lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman di Industri makanan / FMCG (Terbuka untuk Frsh Graduate)
4. Memahami ISO 22000, HACCP, GMP, Food Safety, 5R.
5. Memiliki kemampuan leadership dan mampu bekerja dalam team.
6. Bersedia bekerja dalam shift dan di tempatkan di Cibitung, Bekasi.Jika Anda tertarik silahkan krim lamaran dan CV ke : suci.setyowati@mayora.co.id
Subject : LinkedIn_UH Prod (Max : 1.5 MB) -
18 September 2017
Mohon info loker donk buat
1. Wanita / 40th, tamat SMU, bru hbs kontrak sbg tele diperbankan.
2. Pria / 36th, tamat SMU, rajin bkrj, sopan santun.
Klo ada info loker yahhh buat anak2 Tuhan yg blm bkrj diusia dewasa, kali tmn or saudara lainnya ada info.
Terima kasih
18 September 2017
Calling for Desk Collection Team Leader ! (JAKARTA)
Focus of this role to Manage performance of collections , Required qualifications : min 2 years proven record as Team Leader, relevant team within set performance Leadership, motivation and evaluation team of Desk Collector, Maintain team and management of desk collection .
So, if you love to manage people and exceed target.
Don't hesitate to apply and send your CV to virly.rahmawati@homecredit.co.id
18 September 2017
Lowongan di PT.Bukit Berlian Plantation :
1.Estate Manager (Diutamakan yang punya pengalaman areal Marginal dan bukit), penempatan Gorontalo
2. Assistent Agronomi (pengalaman di TBM,TM dan LC areal bukit) penempatan Sulawesi tengah dan gorontalo
3. Asmen Traksi (pengalaman mengelola Alat berat dan kendaraan) penempatan sulteng
4. HR & GA Manager (HO)
5. HR & GA Asistent (HO)Bagi yang berminat silahkan kirim CV nya ke : freddy.saragi@gmail.com
18 September 2017
Our client need :
Assistant Japanese Speaker(N2) (ID : 39949)
Salary: 5,000,000 ~ 15,000,000 IDR
Location : Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta.
Industry of client : Media Agency【Requirement】
- Age maximum 30 years old, gender doesn't matter
- Bachelor degree of any majoring
- Japanese language must be JLPT N2 level (can read and write Kanji, fluent communication). SMA or Diploma degree can try if have experience as interpreter/translator for 2 years.
- Must has strong interest in Advertising/Digital/Web industryif you interest, please send me your cv : afifah@reeracoen.co.id
18 September 2017
Ayo Join Segera,Berikut beberapa posisi yg available di PT 360 Teknologi Indonesia :
1. .NET Developer (Junior - Middle)
2. Front End developer (UI/UX Designer)
3. Ms Dynamic AX (Technical)
4. Java programmer
5. Quality Assurance
6. Android Developer
7. Project Manager Officer (PMO)
8. SAP ABAPSubmit CV ke : nurul.anwar@360consulting.co.id
add kontak : Anwar-0895 2947 3782 -
19 September 2017
Titip lowongan, siapa tau ada yg punya kenalan programmer di sini:
www.loker.id/information-techn ... eloper-php.html
Junior PHP Programmer / Web Developer di Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara.
19 September 2017
Tuesday Hiring (09/19/2017), open 7 position.
1. Cashier (Soetta Airport). Salary up to 4 mio.
Female, Active communication in English, 3 years experienced as cashier in retail industry.2. Cashier (Sunter Agung). Salary up to 5,5 mio.
Male / Female, Active communication in English, 3 years experienced as cashier in retail industry.3. Inventory Control (Soetta Airport - Sunter Agung). Salary up to 5 mio. Male, Active communication in English, 3 years experienced as Inventory Control.
4. Staff Finance / Account (Sunter Agung). Salary up to 7 mio.
Male / Female, Active communication in English, 5 years experienced in Finance and Accounting.5. Secretary (Sunter Agung). Salary up to 7 mio.
Female, Active communication in English, 3 years.6. Sales Trainer (Sunter Agung). Salary up to 11 mio.
Preferably female, Active communication in English, 5 years experienced in retail industry.7. Sales Officer (Solo and Yogyakarta). Salary up to 6 mio.
Must has experienced as Sales Representative in paint industries.If you are interested pls contact me by DM or send your latest CV to hr2.consultant@pchsi.com
19 September 2017
Halo! Kompas TV urgently needed Audio Person, max. 1 years experience in the same area or fresh graduate (D3/S1) are welcome to apply . Please send your recent CV to hr.recruitment@kompas.tv with subject: Audio Person/September 2017.
Thankyou :) -
19 September 2017
We are looking for talents for a multinational coal mining owner based here in Jakarta with fly in and out regularly to sites in Kalimantan. The positions are; 1. Admin executive 2. HR Manager 3. Finance Analyst 4. Mine Engineer 5. Plant Manager
We do also welcome for expatriate for a C level position to be based here in Jakarta, Indonesia. Please do not hesitate to submit your resume to application@verity.net.au -
19 September 2017
PT Onna Prima Utama searching for ADMIN STAFF, penempatan di Angke.
• Pria, 22-28 years old
• Minimum SMK Administrasi Perkantoran
• Fresh Graduate/Minimal pengalaman 1 thn di bidang yang sama
• Menguasai Microsoft Word, Excel dan TelitiSilahkan kirimkan CV anda beserta noted "Admin - Angke" ke recruitment@onna.co.id, thanks
19 September 2017
Urgently needed!
Hotel & Apartment Service Company - DeltamasSales & Marketing Spv :
1. Female/ Male
2. Age around 30 until 40
3. Minimum experience 3 years in Hotel or Apartment
4. For the expected salary 5 until 8 million for the basic salary, this is exclude service charge (for service charge around 4 until 5 million)
5. English speaker only.Sales & Marketing Staff :
1. Female/ Male
2. Age around 25 until 35
3. For the expected salary 3.8 until 4.5 million for the basic salary, this is exclude service charge (for service charge around 3 until 4 million)
4. Minim JLPT N3
* Does not really important for background. Willing to work as a Sales and Japanese Speaker more than N3 MUST.Send your CV ASAP to heryn.karina@os-selnajaya.com
19 September 2017
Lowongan Kerja perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Gama Plantation, siap di tempatkan di area lokasi kami (Sumatera, Sulawesi dan Merauke) sebagai berikut :
1. Asisten Lapangan
2. Asisten Pabrik
3. Asisten Proses
4. Asisten Maintenance
5. Asisten Kepala (Kebun / Pabrik)
6. Staf Epd (Merauke)
7. Kepala Tata Usaha (Kebun / Pabrik)
8. Koordinator Kepala Tata Usaha
9. Manager FFB
10. Asisten FFB
11. Mechanical Project (Sulawesi)
12. Supervisor Sipil (Sulawesi)
13. Site Manager (Sulawesi)Syarat :
- Pengalaman Minimal 3 tahun di posisi yang sama
- Integritas tinggi
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh lokasi kerja kamiKirimkan Berkas lamaran & CV Anda terbaru ke : kholilur.rokhman@gamaplantation.com
19 September 2017
Need Urgent!!!!
Primajaya Group, membuka lowongan kerja u/ posisi:- System Administrator Ass. Manager (Pria, maks. 35th)*
- Accounting Tax SPV Retail/ Manufacture (maks. 35thn)*
- Accounting Tax Staff (Fresh graduated, maks. 26th)
- Finance Staff (Fresh Graduated, maks.24th)(*) Pengalaman min. 3thn dibidang yg sama
CV lamaran bisa dikirimkan ke desriani@ppg.co.id/ recruit@ppg.co.id (subyek : posisi yg dilamar)
CP : 089652221123 (Ibu Ririn/ Ibu Ike)
WA only : 08999048640HO at Daan Mogot, Jakbar.
19 September 2017
Primajaya Group, membuka lowongan untuk di BALI :
- GM Operasional Retail (maks.40thn)*
- HR Manager Retail (wanita, maks. 35th)*
- Accounting Manager/ SPV Retail (usia 25-40th)*
- Teknisi Pendingin (maks.30th)*(*)Memiliki pengalaman dibidang Retail
Silahkan mengirim lamaran ke desriani@ppg.co.id/ recruit@ppg.co.id
(subyek : posisi yg dilamar)
Cp : 089652221123 (Ibu Ririn/ Ibu Ike)
Wa : 08999048640 -
19 September 2017
Laeder sales
PT Permata Indo sejahtera - Jakarta
Rp. 3,000,000 - Rp. 7,000,000 a month - Contract
Pria/wanitapendidikan D3/S1
pengalaman menjadi Laeder sales
penempatan di Jakarta Kantor Pusat
Komunikasi Baik
memiliki Motivasi tinggi
Gaji Pokok + Insentive
BPJS Kesehatan,Ketenagakerjaan,pensiunan
Informasi ini dapat menghubungin Bapak Asri Ibrahim Whatsapp 08561467798
Job Type: Contract
Salary: Rp3,000,000 to Rp7,000,000 /month
19 September 2017
ANGELINA862 tulis:
Lowongan kerja sebagai Pendoa di Menara Doa Yayasan Obed Edom
*Pria, Wanita 18 - 45 th
*Memiliki Hati untuk Melayani Tuhan dan sesama
*Dapat bermain musik gitar/keyboard (tidak diwajibkan)
*bekerja Senin-Jumat Pukul 08:00 - 17:00 WIB
Yayasan Obed Edom
Jl. Alternatif Cibubur Ruko Niaga Citra Gran Blok R6 No. 19 kec. Jatisampurna kab. Bekasi
Kirimkan Lamaran anda beserta Pas foto ke Email yayasanobededom@gmail.com
19 September 2017
Harus seberapa jago doa nya?
Apakah harus ada karunia? soalnya kayaknya yg punya karunia kalo doain manjur banget, gga kayak org awam... hehehee.
19 September 2017
PT Ferron Par Pharmaceuticals (Dexa Medica Group) membuka kesempatan bagi Anda di posisi HR Officer dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
- S1 Psikologi dengan IPK min. 3.00
- Laki-laki/ Perempuan dengan usia maksimal 27 tahun
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Kawasan Industri Jababeka 1, Cikarang
- Bersedia ditugaskan ke luar kotaTugas dan Tanggung Jawab Utama :
- Melakukan proses rekrutmen dari awal sampai akhir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja di Site sesuai dengan Man Power Plan.
- Melakukan proses transaksi karyawan (mutasi, promosi, dll) di HRIS.
- Mampu menjalin dan menjaga komunikasi yang baik dengan berbagai pihak termasuk instansi sekolah atau kampus.
- Tersedia dan terlaksananya rencana training karyawan sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dan mereview hasil evaluasi training.
- Menyiapkan dan memastikan tersedianya semua position description untuk posisi yang ada di perusahaan.Bagi Anda/ rekan yang berminat silahkan kirimkan CV dan lamaran lengkap (beserta lampiran scan KTP, Ijazah, Transkrip Nilai, dll) melalui email ke ninik_medyawati@ferron-pharma.com dengan Subject HR Officer paling lambat tanggal 10 Oktober 2017.
20 September 2017
Urgently Needed !!
Perusahaan Automotive, Jepang, Kawasan Industri Indotaisei, Cikampek
Lagi membutuhkan :
SENIOR STAFF HR-GA, dgn kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
1. Pria/Wanita, Maks 30 - 32thn
2. Pendidikan min D3 semua jurusan
3. Mengerti tentang HRD di perusahaan manufacture
4. Pengalaman Min 3-5 thn di bidangnya
5. Bisa payroll gaji, mengerti tentang penghitungan overtime dan mengerti tentang skala structure upah (Wajib)
6. Jemputan lengkap ada di bekasi, cikarang, karawang dan cikampekApabila ad teman2/sodara2 yg sesuai dgn kualifikasi yg kami butuhkn segera kirimkn CV lengkp ke email firman@bsconsulting.co.id
20 September 2017
We’re hiring for Senior and Junior Product Analysts at GO-JEK to focus on building the best user experience!
* You will partner with product managers and business owners in inventing, building & improving metrics that help achieve product goals. You will own the key analytics & reporting projects that create the required visibility for your team.
* REQUIRED: You should be able to use SQL, R, or Python to pull product insights. You should be able to use mobile analytics tools like Mixpanel to create customer journeys & use them for better insights.
* You should have a keen eye for patterns in data. You should engage in hypothesis driven problem solving & build processes/tooling that makes it easy for your team mates to do the same. You should be able to suggest A/B tests and experimentation for product features, analyze how the key metrics respond and evaluate, whether to increase exposure or stop the experiment.
* You will engage and partner with various teams in product and engineering to conduct research and gather information from various sources and tools.
* You should understand how to draw statistically significant conclusions with a firm grasp of p-values, t-tests, and z-tests.
Email me your CV at bi-recruitment@go-jek.com to prove you have what it takes! -
20 September 2017
Dibuka lowongan pekerjaan:
- 2 orang untuk posisi kasir.
- 2 orang untuk waiters.
- 2 orang kitchen preparation [wanita diutamakan]
- 2 orang aplikator laundry [wanita diutamakan].
Untuk ditempatkan di Kelapa Gading, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta · .
Hubungi Lanny Tanoesoedibjo di 081298877890. -
20 September 2017
[urgent] Our client is really looking for GA staff (Japanese Speaker)
Age 25 to 30 yo
Salary : 7 to 8 jt
Location : Jakarta selatan
Industry : property, Real estate
Skill: min 3 years GA experience, Japanese Language Skill min N2(JLPT) level.
Can work from Oct to Nov 2017We are waiting for your contact !! :)
Nemakata(rnaemkata@pasona.co.id) -
20 September 2017
PT Kutai Refinery Nusantara adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang pengolahan minyak sawit (CPO Refinery & Bio Diesel Plant) yang berlokasi di Kalimantan Timur, Balikpapan. Saat ini membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk menempati posisi :
Superintendent HSE
• Pria, Usia Max 40 Tahun
• Pendidikan Min D3/S1
• Memiliki Pengalaman sebagai Supt HSE
• Memiliki sertifikasi P3K Kemenakertrans atau PJK3 yang sudah ditunjuk
• Memiliki sertifikasi SMK3 kemenakertrans atau PJK3 yang sudah ditunjuk
• Memiliki Sertifikasi Fire/kebakaran kemenakertrans atau PJK3 yang sudah ditunjuk
• Penempatan di wilayah Kalimantan Timur (Balikpapan)Silakan kirimkan CV lengkap ke : Recruitment_BGMR@kutairefinery.com
(max file 2MB) -
20 September 2017
We are looking great people for the position of Country Financial Controller Senior Manager .
1. Degree in Accounting
2. Min 10 yrs experience in finance and 4 yrs in managerial level
3. Good knowledge on accounting, tax and legal also audit issue
4. Experience in internal control, SAP system, SOX or FCPA
Send your resume to : vierta.indra@tnt.com