JK Javanese
25 September 2016
Bener yo ora kepikiran aku, pinter tenan sampean nduk
SHEIZ004 tulis:
Nek turu neng ratan jenenge polisi tidur mz hahaha
25 September 2016 diubah oleh TORO617
25 September 2016
Iku ampuh tenan hlo mz di lindas kendaraan ya tetep anteng aja bobo nya haha
25 September 2016
Sake tenan yo polisine turu neng ndalan,
25 September 2016
Jane meh ta gugah mz tp enek sik ngelekne, ojo digugah engko nek tangi malah medeni bocah
25 September 2016
Nek bocahe ora wedhi, seng wedhi wong tuone, hehehe wedhi di sumprit,...ada SIM sama STNK
25 September 2016
28 September 2016
_Hai prenz..._
'''U wish a does do wrong? ...
Next do wrong, a does the seek, been she gear & awake is so she had & or a die crew booty smooth & law leer, tour or a key cut!'''_(Diwoco coro *JOWO* wae, ra usah *INGGRIS* )_ ????????????????
28 September 2016
Hahaha,, aq durung
ZEGA376 tulis:
_Hai prenz..._
'''U wish a does do wrong? ...
Next do wrong, a does the seek, been she gear & awake is so she had & or a die crew booty smooth & law leer, tour or a key cut!'''
_(Diwoco coro *JOWO* wae, ra usah *INGGRIS* )_ ????????????????
28 September 2016
ZEGA376 tulis:
_Hai prenz..._
'''U wish a does do wrong? ...
Next do wrong, a does the seek, been she gear & awake is so she had & or a die crew booty smooth & law leer, tour or a key cut!'''
_(Diwoco coro *JOWO* wae, ra usah *INGGRIS* )_ ????????????????
Kulo sampun siram...
28 September 2016
29 September 2016
SHEIZ004 tulis:
Hahaha,, aq durung
pakpung sak durunge di-pakpung-kan
Apa sih wwwkwkwkkww
29 September 2016
CHRIS213 tulis:
Kulo sampun siram...
Sampeyan pancen ngeten!!!! ;)
29 September 2016
A cow do wrong a does.
ZEGA376 tulis:
_Hai prenz..._
'''U wish a does do wrong? ...
Next do wrong, a does the seek, been she gear & awake is so she had & or a die crew booty smooth & law leer, tour or a key cut!'''
_(Diwoco coro *JOWO* wae, ra usah *INGGRIS* )_ ????????????????
29 September 2016
Ngga kreatip..nggo boso ingrislah
SHEIZ004 tulis:
Hahaha,, aq durung
29 September 2016
Ayo blajar bhs inggris dik,,
Bhs jowo di ganti bhs inggris
Wit gedang doyong = thebok en thegek,
Matur nuwun sanget=teng kiyu very moh,
Wis loro sek di apal ke yo dik,,kwkwkwkw
EKO789 tulis:
Ngga kreatip..nggo boso ingrislah
29 September 2016 diubah oleh ELISA859
29 September 2016
Wah,, jek usum boso inggris kiye.. Inyong melu yak...
Waiting tree's no jail are n so co cool i now.
Setuju ora son..?
29 September 2016
Mnkko tak praktekno nang krjanan..nak di takoni bosku sopo seng ngjri..Mbk Elisa seng ngajari :)
ELISA859 tulis:
Ayo blajar bhs inggris dik,,
Bhs jowo di ganti bhs inggris
Wit gedang doyong = thebok en thegek,
Matur nuwun sanget=teng kiyu very moh,
Wis loro sek di apal ke yo dik,,kwkwkwkw
EKO789 tulis:
Ngga kreatip..nggo boso ingrislah
29 September 2016 diubah oleh EKO789
29 September 2016
Setuju Kang Karo ngombe teh anget
ANANG709 tulis:
Wah,, jek usum boso inggris kiye.. Inyong melu yak...
Waiting tree's no jail are n so co cool i now.
Setuju ora son..?
29 September 2016
Luar biasa... Bisa'an aja..
ZEGA376 tulis:
_Hai prenz..._
'''U wish a does do wrong? ...
Next do wrong, a does the seek, been she gear & awake is so she had & or a die crew booty smooth & law leer, tour or a key cut!'''
_(Diwoco coro *JOWO* wae, ra usah *INGGRIS* )_ ????????????????
30 September 2016
Wkwkwkwk. Kl sekarg sdh ini
ZEGA376 tulis:
pakpung sak durunge di-pakpung-kan
Apa sih wwwkwkwkkww
30 September 2016
Lah g isa bs ingris e mz ajari lah
EKO789 tulis:
Ngga kreatip..nggo boso ingrislah
30 September 2016
Esuk2 ngene nyruput teh anget pancen nikmat...
EKO789 tulis:
Setuju Kang Karo ngombe teh anget
30 September 2016
Ayo sedulur kabeh podho ngopi sek,
Gek blajar bhs inggris maneh,,,
30 September 2016
Enggk ada kopi mb elisa,delivery dunk
30 September 2016
Saya orang Jawa campuran, Jawa Tengah dan Sunda. Ortu dua-duanya orang Jawa, tapi saya ndak fasih bahasa Jawa.