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  • 14 Maret 2022

    • Jesus made the secret to happiness absolutely plain in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12). Blessedness or happiness consists of being poor, being meek, mourning, being persecuted, and the like. That is the path to happiness. It is about denial of self, as Jesus spoke about so often. ~C.S. Lewis
    • It certainly is not about being fixated on self, seeking your best life now, or aiming for material wealth and possessions. What Lewis said about happiness is just the simple Christian gospel. How can so many believers and preachers today miss this so thoroughly? ~C.S. Lewis
    • In the beginning, we have our overwhelming desire for happiness and the different ways we respond to this desire. In the end, it seems it all comes down to deciding how long you want to be happy. If you are willing to trade happiness for moments of pleasures, I suspect sex, drugs, food, alcohol, and gambling will be your things. But I want more than that. How long do you want to be happy for? If you just want to be happy for an hour, take a nap. If you want to be happy for a whole day, go shopping. For a week, go fishing. For a month, take a vacation to Australia. For a whole year, inherit a fortune. For a decade, find a way to make a difference in other people’s lives. For a lifetime and beyond, seek the will of God for your life. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Seek it one day at a time, one moment at a time, one decision at a time. ~Matthew Kelly
    • We want someone to tell us that you can be healthy and happy without discipline; you can eat whatever you want and just eat this pill then we will look like a supermodel. The truth is, you cannot be healthy and happy without discipline. In fact, if you want to measure the level of happiness in your life, just measure the level of discipline in your life. You will never have more happiness than you have discipline. The two are directly related to one another. In fact, discipline is the path to happiness! ~Matthew Kelly

    In Summary:

    If you pursue happiness, you will find despair; but if you pursue the Truth, you will find both Truth and happiness. ~C.S, Lewis

  • VIRA624

    14 Maret 2022

    Woooow I never knew that C.S. Lewis had a such deep insight... I only know him for his book "Narnia"

    14 Maret 2022 diubah oleh VIRA624

  • TILLIE769

    14 Maret 2022

    VIRA624 tulis:

    Woooow I never knew that C.S. Lewis had a such deep insight... I only know him for his book "Narnia"

    Aslan is representative of Jesus Christ - the Lion of Judah. So many Christian messages on Narnia’s Trilogy.

  • AVE856

    14 Maret 2022

    Saat tdr slalu ada slimut,, udh berkat luar biasa,, bahagia skali bs tdr pulas,, Praise the Lord,, 🙏🏻

    14 Maret 2022 diubah oleh AVE856

  • TILLIE769

    14 Maret 2022

    The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts of it. ~~Eckhart Tole

    Penyebab utama ketidakbahagiaan tidak pernah keadaannya, tapi pikiran kita mengenai bahagia/ ketidakbahagiaan tsb.

  • AVE856

    14 Maret 2022

    Stuju,, 👍

    TILLIE769 tulis:

    The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts of it. ~~Eckhart Tole

    Penyebab utama ketidakbahagiaan tidak pernah keadaannya, tapi pikiran kita mengenai bahagia/ ketidakbahagiaan tsb.

  • VIRA624

    14 Maret 2022

    Happiness is the state of mind...

    Happiness lasts not despair lasts not forever...

  • 15 Maret 2022

    bahagia itu ketika sudah menikmati kesedihan serta kesusahan sekian lama hingga yang tertinggal hanyalah bahagia bersamamu sekalipun dalam kesunyian

    -anak senja halu-


  • TILLIE769

    15 Maret 2022

    Murid: Apa rahasia kebahagiaan sejati ya Guru?

    Guru: Tidak berdebat dengan orang bodoh.

    Murid: Saya tidak setuju!!

    Guru: Ya, anda benar.

  • 16 Maret 2022

    Bahagia itu,

    Aq + kmu = kita 😌

  • 17 Maret 2022

    Bahagia ku sederhana, melihat pasangan senyum manis aja 😁😁😁🤭🤭🤭

  • 17 Maret 2022

    Bahagia itu bahaya( mengintai ), karena dalam kondisi demikian, biasanya kita lengah & lemah alih alih waspada serta siaga

    Bahagia lihat orang susah sudah hal lumrah

    Membahagiakan orang, entah kenapa, kita dibuat mikir seribu kali : " aku saja hidup relatif susah, kok sempat mikiri hibur orang lain ! "

    Sudahkah, hari ini, aku bahagia diatas penderitaan orang lain ?


    Hal remeh temeh apa yang bisa minimal, buat orang disekitarku tersenyum bahagia walau untuk sejenak ?

    17 Maret 2022 diubah oleh VEKA741


    17 Maret 2022

    Bahagia ya bahagia aja shayyyyy


    17 Maret 2022

    Bye vira

    VIRA624 tulis:

    Happiness is the state of mind...

    Happiness lasts not despair lasts not forever...

  • 18 Maret 2022

    Kalo menurut Santa Teresa of Avila, bahagia itu hidup sederhana because Jesus loves simplicity dan Santa Teresa Avila (dan juga Santo Yohanes Paulus 2) dan semua Santo-Santa mengalami kebahagiaan itu dalam Mystical Prayer dimana mereka mengalami Unitive Stage with Jesus.

    Semua org2 kudus (yg udah jadi Santo/Santa di surga sama Yesus), mengalami itu.

    Berbagi di bawah ini (situs Katolik dalam bahasa Inggris) ini ada video (FREE -- selama masa paskah doank) tentang "Gimana DOA untuk mengalami Mystical Prayer") yg diajarkan/dialami St. Teresa Avila -- 9 Steps of Prayers:

    Kalo ada yg berminat, silahkan coba. Saya sndr jg lagi nonton. Tiap video cuman 15-menit koq. Our Christian life on Earth is just a journey/pilgrimmage to Heaven -- Don't we all want to be His Saints?

    Enjoy!  ;-)

  • 18 Maret 2022

    Scroll-down sampe paling bottom of the website, trus klik "Sign Up for Free Streaming". Lalu, kalian akan dapet email link, dan bisa lanjut dari situ.

  • FERRY719

    18 Maret 2022

    Bahagia itu yah hati senang tidak ada beban

  • 19 Maret 2022

    Saya belom pernah menikmati dan merasakan yang namanya bahagia itu.

    Saya belum tahu arti bahagia. karena sejak menikah saya hanya tahu mencari uang.

    Maklum namanya juga jemuran di peres sampai kering.

    19 Maret 2022 diubah oleh BENNY964

  • TILLIE769

    19 Maret 2022

    Setelah doa tidur, bahagia banget tiap malam dapat ciuman bunyi pelukan erat diakhiri dgn, “I love you mommy. See you tomorrow.” 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

  • 20 Maret 2022

    Terbebas dari penderitaan duniawi diluar dari kelemahan fisik (penuaan tubuh) 😇😇😇

  • INNE351

    20 Maret 2022

    TILLIE769 tulis:

    Setelah doa tidur, bahagia banget tiap malam dapat ciuman bunyi pelukan erat diakhiri dgn, “I love you mommy. See you tomorrow.” 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

    Sooo sweeett 👏👍

    20 Maret 2022 diubah oleh INNE351

  • AVE856

    20 Maret 2022

    Disyukuri aja ko,, dr hal yg sepele,,

    Hidup itu perih jendral,, klo yg diinget perihnya,,

    God always by your side,, keep smile 😊 n ttp cumunguttt,,💪

    BENNY964 tulis:

    Saya belom pernah menikmati dan merasakan yang namanya bahagia itu.

    Saya belum tahu arti bahagia. karena sejak menikah saya hanya tahu mencari uang.

    Maklum namanya juga jemuran di peres sampai kering.

  • AVE856

    20 Maret 2022

    Saat bangun tdr ada ☕ plus tmnnya,, 😁

  • 20 Maret 2022

    Ayaya...INNE351, baby Pooh-nya lucu banget...pengen tak peluk si Little Pooh nya :D

    That's happiness :D ;-)

  • 20 Maret 2022

    Itu mah di Surga, Bro..

    Exactly what we all longing for... 😇

    MEN624 tulis:

    Terbebas dari penderitaan duniawi diluar dari kelemahan fisik (penuaan tubuh) 😇😇😇

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