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Tuhan, Mengapa Aku Masih Single?


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  • SUSAN045

    4 November 2018

    Alasan single ,Karena masih memantau bibit dan bobot yg Tuhan tanamkan di bumi ini😂

    4 November 2018 diubah oleh SUSAN045


    4 November 2018

    Alasan  masih single...

    Banyak sih menurutku....


    Karna Tuhan sedang menseleksi yg terbaik karna Dia gak mau memberikan yg asal2an..tap yg terbaik dari yg terbaik...

    Terlalu memilih

    Sibuk dgn karier

    Memang memilih utk single

    Terlalu bnyk kriteria

    Patah hati yg berkepanjangan


    Gak mau terikat dgn status

    Merasa sendiri itu jauh lebih baik

    Bisa jadi ada kelainan

    Dan mgkin masih ribuan alasan..Namun apapun alasannya klo kita ttp percaya padaNya, Dia akan menjadikan segalanya indah pada waktunya.

    Mungkin juga sampe skrg masih single karna Adamnya gak tidur2 jadi Tuhan susah ambil tulang rusuknya buat dijadiin hawanya..

  • 4 November 2018

    SUSAN045 tulis:

    Alasan single ,Karena masih memantau bibit dan bobot yg Tuhan tanamkan di bumi ini😂

    Selamat malam sis

    Jikalau hanya untuk memantau,mengamati,memonitor, mengontrol mencermati dan mengecek dan mencek bibit bebet bobot sis itu merupakan kesia siaan belaka yang ahirnya jatuh pada pilihan  yang bla.. Bla.. Bla..

    Dengan kata lain ini lebih menarik,ini lebih berwawasan ,ini lebih berpendidikan dan lupa lagi

    Dan ahirnya tak satun ,tiada satupun..

    Bawa saja dalam doa satu nama yang menurutmu layak dan berkenan niscaya kamu akan menemukan jawabannya sendiri dengan kesungguhan doa

    Apakah itu baik or buruk bagimu

    Apakah itu pantas or layak untukmu?

    Selamat bergumul dalam doa Gbu

    4 November 2018 diubah oleh LISNARINAA355

  • SUSAN045

    6 November 2018

    Thank u , utk pencerahannya kk.


    LISNARINAA355 tulis:

    Selamat malam sis

    Jikalau hanya untuk memantau,mengamati,memonitor, mengontrol mencermati dan mengecek dan mencek bibit bebet bobot sis itu merupakan kesia siaan belaka yang ahirnya jatuh pada pilihan  yang bla.. Bla.. Bla..

    Dengan kata lain ini lebih menarik,ini lebih berwawasan ,ini lebih berpendidikan dan lupa lagi

    Dan ahirnya tak satun ,tiada satupun..

    Bawa saja dalam doa satu nama yang menurutmu layak dan berkenan niscaya kamu akan menemukan jawabannya sendiri dengan kesungguhan doa

    Apakah itu baik or buruk bagimu

    Apakah itu pantas or layak untukmu?

    Selamat bergumul dalam doa Gbu

    6 November 2018 diubah oleh SUSAN045

  • 11 November 2018

    Jadi semangat lagi deh...menikmati masa2 single....makasih yh..

  • 11 November 2018

    Found this good article for every single on their waiting for their future husband/wife.

    5 Things Single Christians Should Do During Their Single Season

    single christians

    When we are single, we often allow fear to dominate our lives. Singleness can be especially hard for Christians.

    Often, in the church, marriage is esteemed as the preferred, better, more desirable relationship status.

    Illustrations about marriage are woven into countless sermons, many pastors reference their wives from the pulpit, and many small groups focus on married couples or families, leaving singles feeling excluded and lonely.

    It’s easy to end up in a place where our default state is that of being in a relationship.

    Being single becomes merely the gap between partners, a combination of waiting and seeking. You can’t relax because you’re uncomfortable when you’re not with someone.

    It may even feel like you’ve fallen off a boat and you’re sinking underwater. You can’t fully enjoy the benefits of being single because always, in the back of your mind, you’re nagging some sense of inferiority, this irrational dread that you’ll somehow be alone forever, and if you’re alone forever, that would seem unbearable.

    But being single has many benefits that can only be visited when you let go of your fear.

    Here are five ways single Christians can enjoy their singleness…

    1. Seek Advice Regularly

    Seek Biblical counsel and wisdom from other married Christians. Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions.

    Give them permission to speak into your life to help you grow as a single Christian and potentially as a married one.

    Ask others to keep you accountable and to point out blinds spots. Be coachable. Ask for wisdom from fellow wise Christians to help you thrive during singleness and help prepare you for marriage.

    Also, as Christians, we tend to be awkward when it comes to dating advice. If you find someone who loves Jesus and the church, and you are attracted to them and they are attracted to you – and you’ve prayed about it, then what are you waiting for?

    2. Practice Self-Discipline

    People who are afraid of being single are more likely to prioritize being in a relationship over their morals and relationship with God.

    Those who fear being single are less likely to end a relationship with someone who is not good for them and are more likely to get into ungodly relationships just for the sake of being in a relationship.

    Could it be that people who are afraid of being single find themselves in lower-quality relationships because of their lower standards – because for them, any relationship is better than none at all?

    Instead of remaining the victim of your own fear of being single, take control.

    Tell yourself that you will actively remain single for a set amount of time: 3 months, 6 months, even a year. By doing this, you will let go of the fear of being alone that ultimately skews your priorities.

    3. Increase Your Confidence

    There is an inner voice that is constantly analyzing everything about your life. We engage in positive and negative self-talks that have an impact on our feelings.

    When your inner voice starts saying discouraging things such as, “Nobody wants me”, “I’m too old”, “I’m ugly”…  your insecurity increases and you start believing you are worthless.

    Be gentle with yourself. Increase your value by having confidence in yourself. Confidence is attractive because if you believe you are valuable, so will others. Start increasing your confidence and self-esteem.

    If you come across as a person who is confident and love yourself, you will be in a place of peace with yourself. Try new things, experiment and discover how much fun you can have with yourself.

    4. Set Boundaries

    It’s extremely hard to find happiness with another if you constantly have a need to be loved by someone. Find yourself before attempting to find true love.

    Many of us are incomplete without the self-knowledge required to define our own boundaries, likes and dislikes.

    They’ll probably be times when you will think about settling. Believe me… I get it. I understand. Settling is the safe bet; whereas holding out is a gamble.

    For every story you hear about someone who was too picky and ended up being alone and miserable, there is another story about someone who didn’t settle and ultimately found someone amazing who made the wait more worth it.

    5. Take Time to Heal

    You may have had a bad experience (or experiences) with someone that has tainted your view of love.

    The truth is there are many good men and women out there waiting for true love.

    However, if you hold these feelings of the opposite sex, your fear of staying single will increase since you are constantly telling yourself that there is no good person left.

    There is tremendous pressure today to be in relationships. No matter how successful you are, you are forced to believe that you can’t be happy if you don’t have someone in your life.

    This makes being single feel like a failure. But the truth is that you are far from being a failure. If you want, you could be in a relationship today but you want to wait or maybe you have taken time to heal yourself from a previous relationship. Don’t let fears from past experiences sabotage you.

    Many of us wonder if we’ll be single forever. Some of us even agonize over whether perpetual singleness is God’s Will for our lives.

    Enjoy your time as a single person and let go of any fear that’s keeping you from total happiness.

    Remember you are in this season for a reason. You’re not waiting on accident. Your singleness is not God’s way of punishing you; it’s His way of preparing you.

    Source : ... -single-season/

    11 November 2018 diubah oleh SAURIA580

  • RNANA167

    12 November 2018

    Terlalu jeli pada akhirnya blm bertemu temu dan karena pilihan saya haruslah pilihan anak saya dan terlebih pasangan hrslah mengasihi saya dan anak saya

  • INDRI503

    13 November 2018

    Aku juga

  • DEVEN746

    13 November 2018

    Terlalu mencari yg sempurna. .



    Bisa masak


    Benarin atap



    Pintar mijit



  • 14 November 2018

    Dlm hal pria, aku kurang tau. Dlm hal wanita, sesuai pengalaman pribadiku tuh di saat aku masih berusia 20 th an ada pria2 yg tertarik pd ku namun saat itu aku gengsi soalnya mereka kurang menjaga penampilan.

    Maka, ketika umurku 30an aku baru sadar bhw saat itu nyari jodoh sdh mulai sulit. Pria2 seumuran dan yg lbh tua dariku sdh nikah, soalnya.

  • TRISNA656

    14 Desember 2018

    Baca artikel nya jadi pengen nangis aja...!!!

    Waktu masa masa kuliah dulu ada beberapa pria yg ngajak serius buat menikah, pada hal di situ saya belum siap karena ingin fokus dulu dengan belajar. Gitu kuliah sudah selesai dan umur sudah hampir senja disitu saya mulai merenung...

  • AGATHA895

    14 Desember 2018

    Klu ada orang yg bertanya Mengapa aku masih single? Dan seandainya aq jadi Tuhan ku jawab salahmu dewe alias salah sendiri

  • AGATHA895

    14 Desember 2018

    Jomblo karena kesalahan sendiri

    AGATHA895 tulis:

    Klu ada orang yg bertanya Mengapa aku masih single? Dan seandainya aq jadi Tuhan ku jawab salahmu dewe alias salah sendiri

  • MONCI327

    14 Desember 2018

    Bagaimana kita tahu dia yang namanya kita sebut dalam doa adalah yang baik atau tidak buat kita ? Sudah lama menyebutnya dalam doa, namun tak kunjung mendapat hasil atau petunjuk ?

    Terima kasih, salam damai

    LISNARINAA355 tulis:

    Bawa saja dalam doa satu nama yang menurutmu layak dan berkenan niscaya kamu akan menemukan jawabannya sendiri dengan kesungguhan doa

    Apakah itu baik or buruk bagimu

    Apakah itu pantas or layak untukmu?

    Selamat bergumul dalam doa Gbu

  • DIZZY457

    14 Desember 2018

    "jangan ganggu aku, aku pengen sendiri"

    kalimat yg pernah terucap sewaktu bertengkar dgn pacar inilah yg mungkin jd kenyataan 😄

  • 14 Desember 2018

    Amin. Tengkyu Jk.

  • APRILIN663

    14 Desember 2018

    Ada yg bilang krn mmg blum layak dikasih jodoh :)))) dikoreksi ke diri sendri pasti ketemu:))


    15 Desember 2018

    Kurang pergaulan

    Tidak punya / banyak teman

    Gak banyak gebetan

  • YANNI397

    15 Desember 2018


    EVI925 tulis:

    Trimakasih,kaRena jodoh Kristen aq menjadi tambah teman Dr berbagai macam suku dan sifat, memperkaya rasa sosialku,biarkan hidup INI mengalir seperti Yg Tuhan inginkan,karena semua ITU baik,baik sendiri ataupun berpasangan..Tuhan ITU baik...

  • YANNI397

    15 Desember 2018

    Mksh JK udh menguatkan dgn tulisan Artikelnya,  kiranya para Jombloers diberikan dan dipertemukan dgn pasangan yg Sepadan yg sesuai dgn Firman Tuhan.


    Kejadian 2:18 (TB)  TUHAN Allah berfirman: "Tidak baik, kalau manusia itu seorang diri saja. Aku akan menjadikan penolong baginya, yang sepadan dengan dia."

  • MONCI327

    15 Desember 2018

    Kalau Teman bilang begini , " Sebab kamu masih single karena jodohmu belum lahir"😅

  • SHERLY191

    15 Desember 2018

    Terlalu asik kerja.. Terlalu berhati2 krn takut KECEWA lagi  😁😁

  • RUDY084

    15 Desember 2018

    Bersabar saja karena Tuhan rencanakan terbaik, manusia di ciptakan berpasangan pasti akan ada jodohnya. Marilah kita saling mendoakan kiranya kasih Tuhan memberikan jodoh yang terbaik sesuai dg rancanganNya

  • 16 Desember 2018

    Mungkin kurangnya waktu berbaur dan krg membangun persahabatan, komunikasi dgn lingkungan sekitar, ......karena jodoh berawal dari persahabatan.....

    SHERLY191 tulis:

    Terlalu asik kerja.. Terlalu berhati2 krn takut KECEWA lagi  😁😁

  • RIO398

    16 Desember 2018

    Kenapa why msh single...yaah karena because belum Double... :-D

    #salam tawa

    #salam canda

    #Jgn lupo BAHAGIA :-D

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